Chapter 10

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Mr. Tate comes back a few days after the incident. His skin is strikingly pale against his dark beard and his eyes contastly shift around the room, searching for something.

A few of the Omegas are back, but Tyrone's seat is still vacant.

We continue where we left off; we go to the track and run like it's gym class. Trish is much faster than me but her stamina quickly deteriorates. I promise to help her work on it after school. My speed is average and so is my stamina. I guess conditioning doesn't help out all abilities.

I'm surprised he doesn't force us to change and run as if we were pack. Omegas and Alphas are always given the option of whether or not they would like to run in their wolf form; most choose wolf because it's much more fast and agile. It can hunt better and develops a better sense of pack among your new mate or people with you in the Run. I'm lost on all of these. Ever since I presented, the feeling of pack has slowly become more distance and muffled. Each day that I don't change is getting me closer to becoming human. Humans were the dominant species 500 years ago, but as the werewolf population grew more public, they had to bite more people to keep them silent. If the biten spoke, they would be lynched along side the born werewolves. When humans and werewolves tried having children, the babies would always either be stillborn or deformed. Werewolves would have to bite their spouses if they wanted to have kids, causing the population to spike greatly. Humans slowly began asking for the bite; one by one, they surrendered to the werewolves until barely any born humans existed. The last human was bitten during a mating ceremony 400 years ago.

I wonder if I'll eventually mutate into a human after so long of my wolf form being dormant. Will my eyes cease to glow? Will I no longer have an extrodinary sense of smell and hearing? I don't want to find out. Humanity was full of pitiful creatures who murdered so many of my kind for merely existing. It's said everyone has at least one bitten in their bloodline. I wonder if families full of bitten have human children or if they have real werewolves.

People have no hostilities against humans anymore; just bad blood with corpses that finished rotting half a century ago. But fuck knows how they'd react to a mutated human. They already hate conditioned wolves for being more powerful but the conditioned like me are hated the most. We're as close as can be to humans. No form to change to and no pack to have. I'm worse than a rogue.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be a conditioned Alpha. No pack to want you and no pack to lead. Not even an Omega to want you.

Part of me wishes that if I am claimed, it is by a conditioned Alpha. Someone who understands. And I understand, too. But the other half of my mind plans to kill the Alpha who tries to claim me. I am a free Omega. I will not be tamed by even the largest beast.

"Evie!" I hear Mr. Tate shout for me as I round the track for the second time.

"Shit, what the fuck have I done know," I mutter partially to myself and to Trish, who runs by my side.

She huffs as she slows to a soft gait. "Good luck. It was nice knowing you before you got expelled."

I discreetly flip her off and trudge towards Mr. Tate. "Yes?"

He purses his lips and doesn't look at me, his cold gaze focused on the other Omegas. "I know it was you."

It's about time he finally said it and got me expelled for it. It's almost been a month since the incident and each day I walked into class wondering if it was the day I finally got my ass kicked out.

But I still try to feign innocence. "What?"

He finally turns to glare at me from behind his thick rimmed glasses. "You pulled that crap with the Alphas, along side Tyrone."

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