Sonnys home for boys ~ dean winchester (pt2)

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Y/n is Sonny's daughter, and she dated Dean during his 2 months at his home for boys. She was heartbroken when he left and it took her almost a year to start dating again. Now she's 33 and still living in the same town helping her dad take care of the home and she's been helping the boys they bring in. She lives in a house a few miles from the Home but spends most of her time taking care of the boys.

Y/n heard a car pull up and was gonna go get the door.

"I've got it honey. You go check on The boys out back." Sonny smiled.

"Okay dad." She smiled and walks outside.

She was outside playing with the younger boys while the older ones were playing football.

"y/n! Do you wanna come play with us?" The eldest boy, Ryder, yelled.

"Why not? I'll kick your ass again." She chuckled as they threw the ball to her.

They were all running around and y/n was laughing as Ryder tripped over his own feet.

"These are all the boys we have right now. We're thinking of opening it to boys and girls too." Sonny spoke.

"That's great, Really. you'd probably be able to help a lot more kids like that." Sam nodded.

"Hold on a minute..." Dean opened the back door, "is that y/n?"

Y/n heard the back door close and she turned and saw him. Dean Winchester.

"Oh My God. Dean?" She smiled and ran over to him and hugged him, "how are you? It's been forever!"

"I've been good. How have you been?" He smiled.

"How do they know each other?" Sam questioned.

"Y/ns my daughter when Dean was here they dated. For 2 months. Almost went to prom together than your dad picked him Before he go with her. She was heartbroken. She asked about him every week. Then after a year she just stopped asking and moved on." Sonny spoke.

"How close were they?" Sam looked at Sonny.

"It was like watching A Love story. I believe they were in love. But y'know I had to be there when he left and I had to hold her. After a while she started getting closer with Jeremy. But Jeremy died in a car accident a few years after they graduated." Sonny sighed.

"I'm sorry." Sam nodded.

*a few weeks later*

Y/n has gotten close with Sam and Dean and y/n has noticed her feelings for Dean coming back but has also gotten really close with Sam and doesn't know what to do, Dean has noticed his feelings for her have been there since the moment they saw each other again. Sam likes y/n but won't do anything because he knows that Dean did once love y/n and he couldn't do that to Dean.

"Hey I'll be back I'm gonna run into town and get some stuff and meet up with your dad for a minute." Dean smiled at y/n and she nodded awkwardly, Dean looked at the floor confused and walked out of the house.

"Y/n. I left my toy in the barn! Can you go get it?" The youngest boy, Benny, spoke pouting, "please."

"I can go get it-" Sam spoke.

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