7 minutes (luke smut)

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Playing seven minutes in heaven is not an appealing idea to you. You don't like the idea of being trapped in a closet with a guy who isn't of your choosing and it isn't some stupid kissing game that's over in a second, but there is sadly no saying no to Silena Beauregard. Your friend is literally the embodiment of an Aphrodite child with her ability to persuade. For gods' sake she actually has the word 'beautiful' in her name and everyone knows that someone with such a likeness to the love goddess isn't someone that can be refused.

"There's going to be lots of good looking people there I promise... Charlie, Clarisse... Luke." Silena murmurs the last name.

"What?" You're clearly pissed. She can hear it in your tone.

"What do you mean 'what'?" She asks innocently.

"What was the last name you just said?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just listing people at camp who are objectively attractive."

"Just objectively attractive or objectively attractive and playing seven minutes in heaven tonight?" You ask, giving her a pointed look.

"The second one." She replies quietly.

"I'm not going if Luke is going to be there." You tell her petulantly, stopping in your tracks like you're going to turn around and head back to your cabin.

"So you did hear me."

"I'm not going." You start to walk back but she grabs your wrist.

"Yes you are!"

"I'm not. I hate him. I want him dead. I pray for his downfall on every quest he goes on."

"All I can hear is that you spend a lot of time thinking about him."


"I'm sorry but if you think about it, all this hatred could just be pent up sexual frustration."

"It's not."

"It could be!" She realizes that she isn't anywhere close to getting through to you so she holds both your hands in hers. "Please just come. The bottle most likely won't even land on him anyway. Just think about it as a fun night."

"Fun night my ass." You grumble but turn around and begin to walk back to the Aphrodite cabin. Silena giggles excitedly.

When you walk in, almost everyone of the older campers in Silena's friend group are already there. Your eyes fall on Luke first and he gives you an annoying little smirk.

"Okay, now that everyone important is here..." Silena smiles before sitting down. Clarisse hands her an empty beer bottle. "I'll go first." She spins the bottle and grins when it lands on Charles. If your eyes aren't deceiving you, you could swear Clarisse's face drops for a millisecond.

The person next to Charles goes next, and then Clarisse goes and now, it's your turn. You're not really sure how it's your turn already, but you aren't about to argue with Silena over the spinning order. You look at Luke before you spin and he gives you another cocky smirk. You try to ignore him and spin the bottle, doing it perhaps a touch too hard because it goes in circles forever. When the bottle slows, it is clearly about to stop on some Apollo kid before it shifts a little more and lands on Luke.

What the fuck?

He looks away from a son of Boreas to you.
"Up you get then, princess." He stands.
You look at Silena with 'help me' eyes but she shrugs with a guilty grin. So now you're walking over to Luke. He holds out a hand so he can lead you to the closet but you slap it away as you pass him. He turns on a dim light as you enter and shuts the door behind him.

"Look at my luck." He says in a suave tone, holding his hands out like it was the gods' bidding.

"Did you really bribe a wind god kid so that the bottle would land on you?"

"Perceptive." He comments. "I was just lucky that I happened to be sitting North of you. So maybe it is the gods' will."

"You think it's the gods will that we fuck in this closet?" You scoff.

"You said it, baby not me." His right hand falls
to your waist, gripping at your love handles.
"But sadly, we don't have enough time for me to fuck you properly."

"Get your hands off me." Your gaze is filled with a lot of passion. Whether that passion is lust or hate, he isn't sure.

"Make me."

When you don't make him take his hands off you (which you most could) he takes that as a sign that you want him just as much as he wants you, so he pulls you in for a rough kiss. You hate how you kiss him back, whimpering into his mouth when you feel his hand slip up your thigh to rub you through your jeans. He slips his tongue into your mouth as he begins to make quick work of your zipper. Luke tugs your jeans down and chuckles at the sight of your lacy panties.

"Were you planning on getting screwed tonight or is this just coincidence?"

"Shut up." You murmur before forcing your mouth back against his.

He rubs you through your panties for a second but you both know you're short on time so he slips them to the side, sliding his fingers through your arousal.

"Gods, you're so wet." He whispers into your mouth before plunging two fingers inside of you, curling them in just the right spot. You whine softly, pissed at how good he is at touching you. He leans his head down and begins to kiss your neck. He suckles on the same spot for about a minute so he leaves a deep red mark. "Oops, left a little colour."

"Luke!" You scold quietly and he begins to rub your clit with his thumb so you can't think straight enough to say anything else.

"Just have to let people know who's girl you are, princess." He starts rubbing your clit a little harder. "Whose girl are you?"

You're feeling so good and you're so close to your peak that you moan out, "Your girl."

"That's right. Cum on my fingers, baby." He demands and you do right away, squeezing around his fingers as you get your release. "You better get dressed." He says as he checks his watch. "You've got about 12 seconds before they open that door."

He's clearly amused as you struggle to get your pants back on in time but that doesn't mean you don't notice as he licks your cum off his fingers, moaning just a little bit.

"Times up, lovebirds." One of the other Aphrodite girls says as she swings open the door.

You walk out as soon as she does and you don't make eye contact with anyone as you storm out of the cabin. 

"We're done with the game for today." Luke says cockily as he quickly grabs both your jackets and chases you out the door for round two.

Silena grins. "I knew it."

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