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"I hope my parents aren't mad."

"Let's hurry back and ease their minds." The kids say, as they were going down and walking back to their room.

Natsume was the walking behind, and when she was about to enter the room when noppo surprise the girl holding a camera on his hand.

Natsume saw kosuke also going down and hurriedly grabbed the camera and hid it behind her. "Kosuke!" She yelled.

Natsume looked down and walk towards kosuke, "What?" The boy asked. "Kosuke, here." Natsume says as she handed the camera to him.

"Why are you.." "This was for you from Grandpa Yasuji." Natsume mentioned

"Huh?" "We were talking about making your birthday present a surprise." Natsume continued, kosuke looked down.

"My birthday? you mean that day?" Kosuke says. "Yeah, you've always wanted one, right?" Natsume looked at him and smiled.

"You planned this together?" Kosuke mumbled.

"It was supposed to become a precious memory of you, but it got in between you two. I'm not even a family. I'm sorry." Natsume explained, looking down and gave the camera to him.

"Don't apologize." Kosuke frowned. "What?" Natsume questioned. "I'm the one who..that time.." Kosuke mumbled, natsume was confused and called out his name. "Kosuke?"

"Forget it! it's nothing!" He suddenly yelled, a red tint marking his face as he walks out leaving natsume behind.

"HEY WAIT!" Natsume yelled, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO ACCEPT THIS!" She yelled still holding the camera. "WAIT UP KOSUKE!"

It was a good day, y/n enjoyed it.

Yuzuru and Taishi smelled kosuke and BOY he SMELLED BAD. So they decided to take a swim in the ocean, Yuzuru and Taishi jumped off the balcony while kosuke was on the lower level rubbing himself with a cloth.

The girls, however, help eachother take a bath. Juri helping reina, Y/n and Natsume were helping each one another. Natsume rinse her body with water and groaned in pain, making y/n the two averted their attention to her.

"It's still red." Y/n mentioned.

After showering, it was time to eat. They had to eat delicious food thanks to Natsume and Kosuke. It was so good it got taishi and yuzuru, reina crying while eating.

"Do you want peas?" Noppo asked y/n who was seating beside her. Y/n shakes her head.

"No, i don't want it. Rice please!" Y/n smiled.

"You don't eat vegetables at all.." Noppo mentioned. "I eat them, but not peas." Y/n replied.

After that, they all rest. Taishi and Yuzuru were on the roof. Noppo is sleeping straight while y/n was resting her head in his stomach. Natsume was also with them too. Reina hugging juri's arm.

When they all woke up it was evening. Natsume and Kosuke along with y/n and noppo on the roof. Natsume handed kosuke the cup noodles while the boy was taking a picture of the view.

Noppo sat while watching them, y/n walked towards him and tapped him on the head.

"What are you being alone here for? Here, we could share this." Y/n chuckles and sat beside him, handling him a bag of chips.

Now it was night, all of them were in the roof. Sitting in circles as they light up a lucis.

"AT SEA FOR NINE DAYS" Kosuke marked up the wooden wall with a key.

"You were always together. Aren't you gonna sleep with Natsume?" Taishi says, lying down on the floor.

"We were just little kids!" Kosuke whispery yelled at them turning his head to them.

"Kumagaya, where are you sleeping?" Reina asked on the other room facing the boys room.

"Still thinking." He shortly replied. "Then, just sleep here." Reina simply suggests.

"I'm gonna go take a leak." He says and stood up.

"Hey, close the door." Reina says.

When the boy was going down, he saw noppo on the staircase looking at the sea.

"What's wrong?" Noppo asked turning to him.

"I gotta take a leak!" kosuke says and walked out.

"Noppo." A soft voice says calling out his name. Noppo turned around and saw y/n, looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"Y/n." He softly says, and walked towards her.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." He says. "The sea is pretty." Y/n mentioned, Noppo smiled at her while walking back to the room.

"Hm? what's that?" Y/n asked, she and noppo were alone in the room, they had a little flashlight to light them up. She was facing noppo.

"I don't know." Noppo mumbled. "Are you scared?" Noppo asked and put his arm back, before he could hide his arms, y/n grabbed it and caress it.

"No i do not. You're still the same no matter what happens." Y/n mentioned, noppo looked at y/n and cracked a smile.

"So what do we do?" Noppo asked. "We still don't know what is it, so it's best to keep it to ourselves for now." Y/n

"You can't stop pretending. It's hideous." Noppo mumbled, y/n frowned and put his hands on her cheeks as her hands did the same, and pulled it.

"Look at me, do i look like i'm pretending?" Y/n sternly questioned. "I'm almost dying and you're still by my side. Do you think i would leave you if something happens to you?" She continued.

"Is that what you think of me?" Noppo eyes widened and lowered his head, he was feeling guilty.

Y/n hands made noppo looked back at her. "It'll be fine. I'm here for you no matter what. Now, let's go to sleep, i'm tired." Y/n yawned.

"Hmm.." Noppo hummed, as y/n turned off the flashlights, and lay on her back, as noppo did the same.

"The moon is very beautiful tonight. And so is the sea and the stars." Y/n mentioned, noppo hummed again.

"Good night. Popo."





"Good night, Ai."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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