The Swamp

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In a dark desolate town deep within the swamp it's a little town where our hero's story starts. Boom! A man is thrown through the front of the small town's sheriff office with a tall skinny man in a black cloak standing in the doorway "Well sheriff I found the guy that ran off with the swamps clean water supply. The water has been returned and I'm here to collect payment for this bastards head." The tall man steps into the sheriff office taking the cloak off his head showing his face. He has a very average face besides the large scar over his right eye and the fact his eyes are different colors. The right eye a shimmering blood red and the left a soft sky blue with his unkempt black hair blocking some of the scar and his right eye. "The names Gator I got into town last night and heard about this little problem of yours and decided I could use the extra travel money" The frail little man that can barely be called a sheriff still stands looking at the man calling himself Gator "well I appreciate the help stranger but the request was for him brought back dead and from what I see he's still alive." And without a second thought the little man pulls out a silver six shooter and shoots the unconscious man in the back of the head. Looking back at Gator the sheriff goes "Now that the trash has been taken care of I can't give you a reward since you brought him back alive but for your troubles I'll put you up in the tavern for two days. But word of advice Gator if you're not willing to bloody your hands I'd suggest you go ahead and feed yourself to the citizens of the night you won't survive for long outside of the safe zones" The old man grabs his vest off the back of his chair and throws it on showing a sheriff badge with the name "Sheriff Jessie" and leading the way out of the sheriffs office down the road towards the tavern he says "Names Jessie kid and if you can actually get the guts to actually kill them instead of bringing them back to me this town is looking for some help to get rid of the trash" opening the tavern doors the whole place goes silent at the sight of the sheriff and Gator stepping up the bar Jessie orders a few drinks "hey sweetheart give me two of the regular drinks and the big guy here will be getting a room for two days on me. He took care of our water thief problem,but get this he brought back the idiot alive I don't know if I'm more shocked or scared that he was able to get him all the way back here alive and in the middle of the night at that" the bartender looks over at Gator with a look of fear but almost pride knowing that he made it out of the town in the night and back with the thief alive. Turning around she grabs a silver key of the top shelf behind the bar and slides it over the counter to Gator "Well sheriff Jessie if he survived the whole night and brought everything back he can have one of the good rooms while he stays in town but I do have a question. How did you survive the night with the children of the night roaming around freely outside the safe zone?" Laughing Gator looks over his shoulder and makes sure not too many people are watching and notices a few still eyeing them down "You guys keep talking about them like they are gods there damn vampires and zombies there are weak undead monsters that with enough practice and the right weapons even this feeble man you call a sheriff can take down a lot of them with his tiny six shooter" Gator takes out a large golden knife with a silver coating on the blade and strange runic symbol's carved into the blade and the handle of the knife "This is one of my favorite ways to deal with the children of the night a Bowie knife coated with a silver blade and blessed by the voodoo priestess of NoLa the long dead and flooded city in the south. This is one of the few things my family has passed down through the generations and a few other beautiful pieces and tricks of the trade" Gator smiles lifting his cloak so the sheriff and the bartender and see the shimmer of a long silver barrel of a rifle on his back "but this beauty is my favorite of all my toys can take down plenty of targets from a very safe range away and be gone before they even know what hit them I call her the plague because once you see the signs it's already to late for you" he smiles taking the key of the table standing looking down at the bartender "You mind showing me the room it's been quite a while since I've slept in an actual bed" the young bartender smiles kindly walking around from the bar leading Gator up a set off wooden stairs at the back of the tavern "Right this way big man up the stairs and the last room on the right is yours if you want in a little bit I'll bring you a bucket of hot water to clean yourself up with and a few rags" she looks over Gator again noticing his cloak is covered with what looks like months worth of blood and guts and has he reach to open the door to his room she notices strange tattoos all over his arm "hmm that's odd" she comments to herself walking back to the bar. Gator enters his new room in the tavern looking around the room he sees it's not much a small wooden bed with a side table and a lamp sit in one corner of the room. In the other corner of the room sets a desk and chair with a large storage crate next to the desk. "Hmm only one way in that could be a problem but better deal with it another day I'm too beat to think right now" not having enough energy to do much else Gator takes the large storage crate and sets in front of the door and sets the chair on top of it "well if anything that should make enough noise to wake me if anyone tries to come in here tonight" sighing Gator sheds his cloak throwing it over the chair and stretches his arms out. Both arms completely covered with all sorts of tattoos of strange items weapons and animals covering almost every inch of skin below his neck "God still haven't gotten used to this yet but it sure does come in handy" looking over his left arm at all the tattoos he finds the one he's looking for a wooden box with the word cloaks printed on it and the number 7 "damn this will leave me with only six backups damn that's a problem for the future too" as he pulls on the tattoo a strange red glow appears and he pulls a fresh cloak out of his tattoo. The tattoos number drops down to six. "God do I love magic"

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