The First Search

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Crunch, crunch, crunch, went the dry leaves on the floor of the rainforest as Charity stepped on and destroyed them. She looked up from the ground to check the sketches of the plant, which had been "seen" by several Aboriginals.

'This is stupid, Ruticlon might not even exist, It might, though, But what will I do if it doesn't?' She kept getting more and more frustrated the deeper she went into the forest. "It's not like any trustworthy people saw them! Aboriginals see things that aren't there all the time!" She kicked a small rock by her right foot.

"Not too far now, sweetie," someone whispered from behind her. Startled to hear someone, so clearly, she looked back. Nobody. She looked all around her. Still nobody. 'Must've been my imagination,' she thought. She shrugged and kept going.

Not too long after that, after about an hour or so, she stopped to take a break. As she sat down on a fallen tree, eating an apple that she had packed in her bag, she checked the sketch again.

As she looked around, she saw something that caught her eye above everything else... Perhaps ruticlon?

Leaving her backpack and tools by the tree, she got up to take a closer look at the mysterious plant.

"Five red, pointed tips... Seven flowers..." She leaned in closer, plucking a seed from a bud. "Yellowish-orange seeds, resembling fatter, rounder versions of almonds..." She sniffed a bud slightly, so as to not inhale anything dangerous. "It even smells vaguely like oranges. Brilliant! I've found my ruticlon! I must set up camp!"

She set the seed very carefully on the plant, took a couple steps back and did a little dance. "Fuck you, world of haters!!! I found ruticlooooooooon!!!!!!" She yelled out to no one in particular.

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