after alllllll these wasted yearssss I need a taste of your fear i need a taste

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13 minutes later. As veteran, Max and Nugget rush to Saint Denis, they hear more and more explosions.

As they arrive, they see the city in shambles; fire everywhere, elephant green screens running across the graveyard and skeleton pings assaulting the local Adeels. "What the fuck." Veteran says, "veteran what the fuck you can't swear this is an E for everyone family friendly fanfiction!" Max replies "but yeah what the fuck."

As the three walk through the ruins of what once was a lively town, they hear something, someone, familiar. "I swear to gadadieooieo, if that's who I think it is." Nugget says, as they turn the corner "offfffcourse it was. Great. Of course it was the one person who I hate with every. Single. Part of my,,,,, haaaat,,,,,????" The three look upon a pile of gravel and,,,, horse,,,, shit,, like literally horse shit on fire, as a figure stands up top it, Max? Not Max... "TWIDDLEFINGER YOU GGHHHSHSHSSHDIFDJEJE FUCK." Max screams out. "WHY ARE YOU HERE GET BACK TO LONDON" "oh? is that max design STUPID!? I hear?" Twiddlefinger says, confidently, "well I see you three are here to watch me and my "friends", DESTROY THE WORLD!!1! EHAHARHEHARHAHEHARRRR!!!!1!1!" "But twiddlefinger! That's not cool!" Veteran says to twiddlefinger "yes it is" twiddlefinger replies" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "yes" "no- FUCK." twiddlefinger shouts "HA! I got you!" Veteran says to twiddlefinger

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