Chapter 37. Friendship.

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"MOLLY! ARTHUR! ANYONE! WE NEED HELP!" Tonks yelled as they got to The Borrow were the rest of the Order was. 

They tried to tell Steph that she needed to go back to school but she refused to go. She has no idea what else happened with Harry after he ran off to go after Bellatrix but she hopes he's able to end her. 

"OH MERLIN! What happened?" Tonks had put Evelyn on the couch, trying to wake her up, but she was not answering and Steph has not taken her hand off of Evelyn's since they where at the Ministry of Magic. 

"She should be dead." Steph whispered but they heard her and everyone went silent. The rest of the Order that hadn't been with them in the battle were clearly confused, no idea what she meant.  

"But she isn't Steph, she's not dead." Tonks told her, trying to make her get out of the shock state she was in. 

"How? How isn't she?! She's not Harry!" She was not saying this because she wanted Evelyn dead, in the contrary, she was glad she wasn't but she had no idea how it happened. 

"She is not, I'm sure this has an explanation, but until then, we need to help her." Tonks said as she put her hand on her chin, making her look up at her. "Let's give them space so they can check up on her." 

"I'll owl Dumbledore too. He needs to know what is happening-" Arthur tried to say. 

"He won't answer, he was fighting You-Know-Who at the Ministry." Interrupted Mad-eye Moody. "I saw him before I apparated here. It was not looking good." 

"We need answers, can anyone explain what happened? What do you mean Dumbledore is fighting You-Know-Who and no one is helping him?" Molly asked as she has brought her emergency kit, but they were pretty sure that nothing in there could help Evelyn. 

So, as best as she could, Steph explained what happened, from the moment Harry got that vision, up until the Order came to rescue them and when Evelyn saved Sirius. 

It was a lot of information to say the least and then Molly knew she could not help Evelyn. They were all thinking the same as Steph: she should be dead. 

"Well... from what I can see, she's stable, I think the best we can do is just wait for Dumbledore to get here and get some more answers." Molly said and everyone agreed. They had no idea how to help Evelyn and trying to do anything might be worse. She was breathing normally and didn't seem in pain, so all they could do was wait. 

"It's been 5 hours! Where the hell is everyone?!" Steph asked as she was losing her mind. Evelyn was the same, nothing has changed. 

"Steph calm down-" 

She couldn't stand the thought of them not being here with Evelyn. How is it that Harry is Evelyn's boyfriend but he hasn't burst through the door and ask if she's okay? She saved Sirius, even Sirius himself should be here, thanking Evelyn over and over. 

Why was she the only one supporting Evelyn? 

Shit- Evelyn's parents! "Tonks, has anyone written to Evelyn's parents?" She asked and at that Tonks eyes were big with surprise that they had not thought about it. "No one is taking this seriously! Why is no one worried?!"


"If you tell me to calm down one more time, I'm going to explode." She said in the most calmly way possible, which was actually scary. 

But before Lupin could interfere, Sirius, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione had come to the Borrow with professor Dumbledore. 

Harry looked terrible, he looked weak, too weak to even be standing. 

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