Chapter 2

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Well this took ages to finish...I'm so sorry! Don't worry, I'll work harder to get the next chapter up sooner. (The picture is Eren as as a Hunter.)
"There is that smile again, cruelly taunting me, flickering just at the edge of my buried memories."
     Eren woke up to a glass of cold water being dumped over his head. Spluttering, he sat up and turned to see Connie and Jean sniggering.
     "What was that for?!" He snapped, rubbing sleep and water from his eyes.
     Connie was still laughing, "You seriously overslept and shaking you didn't do any good so I had to pull out the big guns." He tapped the side of the water glass. "Besides, we have to report and get our assignments in half an hour and Mikasa was outside insisting that you be woken so you can eat something beforehand."
     Eren groaned and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, dropping to the floor.   "Fine, fine...tell Mikasa I'll be out in a few minutes..."
     Jean immediately straightened up and turned towards the door. "I'll go tell her right away!"
     Eren smirked at Jean's eagerness. No matter how many times Mikasa rejected his affection Jean kept trying to win her over. It was a never ending source of amusement for all of the initiates to gossip about. Many wagers were going as to how long it would be before Mikasa silenced Jean's pestering once and for all with a well aimed punch to the mouth.
Rolling his neck on his shoulders to relieve a slight stiffness that had settled in, Eren walked to the end of his bunk and started back in surprise as Armin tossed a bundle of clothes at him. Eren caught them quickly and tucked the bundle under his arm.
     "Sorry Eren," Armin said, "I thought you were more alert."
     "No sweat, Armin," Eren said cheerfully before examining the clothes with interest. "Are these...?"
     "Our official uniforms, we were given them early this morning while you were still asleep. Hurry up and change now before what's left of breakfast will be cleaned up!"
      Eren ducked into the changing room and quickly donned his new clothes, admiring himself in the mirror. Tight black pants with a wide leather strip running down the side of each leg disappeared into black lace up boots that rose to mid calf. A white, short sleeved shirt clad his torso, but was covered by a long sleeved black shirt that was slightly longer and had a high collar. He hung the cross he had received at the initiation around his neck, the weight resting right over his heart. Armin poked his head around the doorframe and looked Eren over with an expression close to awe.
     " look as though you were always intended to wear that uniform! I'm glad Mikasa didn't talk you out of signing up for the training, you were made for this."
     Eren grinned a little awkwardly and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. "Thanks Armin. I'm just glad you decided to join up with me."
     "Who else would help you make friends if I didn't?" Armin said with a soft laugh, "You got into a fight with Jean the first day! Not exactly a great start. Now hurry up and go outside to Mikasa before she decides to break the rules and come in here to drag you out herself."
     Grinning, Eren strode out of the room and towards the door.
     "I'll pack your bag for after you get your assignment since you won't have time to do it yourself."

     Eren stepped out of his barracks just as Jean brushed past him looking slightly defeated. Rejected by Mikasa again by the looks of it.
     Turning, the brunet saw his adoptive sister standing a few feet away, her black eyes gazing steadily at him. She wore the same uniform that he did but deviated from the dress code by wearing a soft red scarf looped around her neck. The article of clothing was a gift from Eren's mother and was one of the few things of hers that remained in the siblings' possession.
     "Morning, Mikasa," Eren said with a smile as he started towards the dining hall. His sister fell into step beside him.
     "You slept for a while."
     "Yeah well we had a late night."
     Their footsteps echoed in the mostly empty courtyard as they crossed the cobblestone ground to a small door leading to the kitchen. They would enter the dining room through there so as to avoid attention. Eren pushed the door open and let Mikasa enter before he did. The kitchen was hot from the large fire in the even more massive fireplace and Eren broke into a sweat almost before the door closed behind him. Weaving their way through tables piled with all manner of dishes and cutlery, Eren and his sister quickly crossed to the other end of the room and let the comparatively cold air wash over them.

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