The Plan

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We decided to put this plan into action later that night, because everything spooky happens during the night and this was definitely spooky. We started gathering our quartz at around 7:00 PM and then we discussed the final plan at 7:30 PM.

Later that night, the ghost spouse came into our room and told us his plan for us. Once he was done, he gave us another note stating his plan in a more memorable way. This one however was written in red ink. Not many people know this but, red symbolizes warning so I knew something was up. I took the note, and it read:

I have to say,

You're doing a good job,

It is such a shame,

That you've met the mob,

My family and friends,

Heard that you're here,

And until your stay ends,

They are always near.

I was in a state of panic, being watched by several more ghosts didn't make our plan any easier, we needed back up, and we needed it fast. 

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