And we'll start it all over again

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"My name is Kaylin Marik" I said and stretched out my hand. "Leonardo Jaco" he said and shook my hand.

"This is Parker your partner" Leonardo said and introduced me to a tall guy with dark brown hair and a slight stubble. He was wearing a dark grey sweater with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of black skinny jeans with black Doc Martens. "Parker Deleon" he said and shook my hand. "Kaylin Marik" I said and shook his hand. "Kaylin here will be joining our team and she'll be your partner when you travel to India" Leonardo explained to Parker. "Sounds perfect" Parker said and smiled. "Well I'll leave you two to talk, I have some paper work I have to take care of" Leonardo said," Kaylin welcome to the National Geographic team" Leonardo said and shook my hand. "Thank you" I said and shook his hand.

"Have you worked with National Geographic before?" Parker asked. "No first time, but I've done street photography and music photography" I explained. "Sounds great, well we leave for India tomorrow at four am," Parker said before walking off.

This is what my life had become, after moving to Italy four months ago I couldn't stand seeing Gael so I decided to move to London. Now I was working with National Geographic.

In the last four months I hadn't heard word from Kevin or from anybody else I used to know.  What I did know is that Kevin hasnt presented Sophia as his daughter. They've been seen around but he hasnt confirmed it.

After I went to pick up airline ticket I walked out into the busy streets of London.

I hailed a taxi and drove off towards my apartment.

"Hello love!" Jenna, my roommate exclaimed as she saw me walk in. She turned off the TV and gave me her full attention. "Did you get the job?" Jenna asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed and hugged her. "I knew it!" Jenna exclaimed," when do you leave?" Jenna asked. "Tomorrow at four am" I said. "That's so early!" Jenna exclaimed. "I know but its so worth it" I said," well I gotta start packing" I said and got up.


"Call me as soon as you get there!" Jenna shouted from our balcony. "I will" I said as I placed the suitcase in the taxi trunk. "Don't catch a disease!" Jenna exclaimed. "I won't" I said and laughed. "See you in three months!" Jenna exclaimed. "Bye jenna!" I exclaimed. "Bye Kaylin!" Jenna exclaimed and waved. I waved back before getting into the taxi and driving off.

First chapter to 'Yo Era El Amor de Su Vida'

This was just an intro to Mikaela's(Kaylin) life.

The next chapter will be in Kevin's POV

Stay tuned for more.

picture of Mikaela --------->




Thank you

song used as title: Over again- One Direction

Yo era el amor de su vida- Kevin Ortiz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now