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//Kevin's POV//

"Are you sure about this?" Gerardo asked. "Yes" I said and fixed Sophia's dress. "What better then the bandamax awards" Ella said and picked up Mateo. We were going to have the kids with us at the red carpet and then when the show started we would give them to my mom.

Sophia was wearing a velvet colored dress and her dark brown hair was held back by a black headband.  I was wearing a black buttoned up shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans. "Alright let's go" I said and we all walked out into the car.

"Ahí viene los hermanos Ortiz y Elizabeth Almada" Cynthia Urias exclaimed once she saw us. "Hola como éstas?" I asked and hugged her. "Muy bien, hola Elizabeth y Gerardo" Cynthia said and greeted them. "Y esta hermosura quien es?" Cynthia asked. "Mi hija" I said and faced the camera. "Como?" Cynthia asked. "Está es mi hija Sophia Ortiz" I said. "Pues felicidades" Cynthia said waiting for the the punch line, hoping this was all a joke.

"What are you gonna do when they ask who the mother is?" Gerardo asked. "I'm not gonna reveal her name "I said. "Just like Cristiano Ronaldo" Ella piped in. "Exactly" I said. "Well good luck cause all that follows this, are going to be rumors" Gerardo said.

I didn't care if the press made up rumors about the mother of Sophia, that was their problem. My family knew the truth and that's all that truly mattered.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Ella asked interrupting my thoughts. "Yes" I said. "Its not easy," Ella said. "I know, but I have to do it for Sophia" I said. "Good luck, and if you need anything let me know" Ella said. "Thanks" I said.

I can't believe they don't think I can do this, sure I was only nineteen but I was going to grow up, for Sophia.



There you have it, first two chapters of the sequel! Just an intro to their lives.

Stay tuned for more to come.




Thank you :)

song used as title: Daughters-The Story So Far

Yo era el amor de su vida- Kevin Ortiz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now