Chapter 6 - The Human?

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Roxana Vasile lay awake in bed, wishing that she would find sleep but knowing that it wouldn't come to her. She had a flight later that day, and she needed all the rest she could get, but the story that Bob had told kept floating around in her mind. To anyone who knew what to look for, the signs were so glaring that the attack he had experienced in the Pyrenees Mountains had involved werewolves and not regular wolves.

She hadn't seen what had been left behind of the battle that had ensued on that day, but she had heard of the carnage the attackers had left behind: burnt houses and mangled corpses that barely resembled people.

The chances that the pack members had sacrificed themselves to ensure that the baby Lycan King had made it out alive were high. Still, there were a lot of factors to consider, and while she didn't want to raise anyone's hopes, she knew that if the Lycan king was still alive, she would have to act quickly.

Roxana groaned and turned in bed. She came face-to-face with the luminescent shine of the clock on the bedside table. It was already a few minutes past two. Her pack was back in Romania, so considering the time difference, it would be sometime around eight in the evening there. Some pack members would have gone to bed already, but she knew that Alpha Marian would still be awake. It was her that Roxana needed to talk to.

She flipped on the light and searched the room until she found her phone. It had barely rung before she picked up.

"You picked up really quick. Are you missing me that much already?" Roxana asked with a smirk. It wasn't a video call, but she knew her Alpha well enough to know that her words would have elicited an eye roll.

"I was just settling down to have my dinner, so if you don't have anything urgent to say, I'll hang up now."

At that, Roxana sobered up. This was probably the most important information that she'd ever convey. "Are you alone, Maria?" She asked after a breath of silence.

"Yeah. Is everything alright? Is Artemis okay?" She asked.

"Artemis is fine. Look, I don't know how to say this, and I'm not entirely sure of this information, but I have reason to believe that the Lycan king might still be alive." There was a long stretch of silence which made Roxana assume that one of them had accidentally hung up. But when she looked at her phone's screen, she found that the call was still ongoing. "Did you hear what I said?" She asked.

"I heard you. But how's that possible?"

"I know it's crazy, but you know that I wouldn't be calling you if I didn't think there was a chance he was still alive. This evening at Artemis' party, there was a man there who claimed to have walked in on a werewolf attack in the Pyrenees Mountain two decades ago. He and a bunch of other guys had a job to do around that area and walked in on the attack. He's human, so he thought that it was just a wolf attack.

"He talked about how coordinated their attack was and how large they were. It had to be werewolves. I don't know how many people from the pack made it out alive, but he only mentioned a woman with a baby. The woman died, but the baby made it out alive. He said he doesn't know what happened to the baby." She explained. "Before you make any decision, I'd like you to know that he was drunk while he told this story, but the details are too much of a coincidence to pass up."

"The baby made it out alive." Maria repeated. "But that could be any random baby from the pack."

"I know." Roxana groaned.

"But that could also still be the Lycan king."

"I know."

"Fuck, he could be anywhere in the world right now. And even though he survived that attack, he could still be dead by now." She sighed. "And there are so many pieces missing from the story. When exactly did this guy stumble on the pack? Would anyone on his team know what happened to the baby? Did any of the wolves have any discernable tattoos?"

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