05/03/24 parte 1

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So yeah I'll be quick yesterday night while I was sleeping I felt someone watching me in my sleep so in the morning I asked Kyle about it thinking it was him but he told that he wasn't even home I didn't know if I could trust him but I just leave.

I was getting ready for school, I wanted to have a good first impression so I put on my short black skirt and the shirt I stole from Kyle closet, but don't tell him okay anyway I was doing my make up when I felt Kyle hands on my waist atleast I thought it was from Kyle but I motice the ring in the hand so I look up and notice that is some strange and weird guy I immediately get up and walk away from the guy but I bumped into something we'll someone it was Kyle

Me:" Who's that?!"

Kyle:'Well that's my friend Adam'

Me:"How does he know my room, and why did him grab me!?"

Kyle:'He's like that, but he won't do it again....Anyways are you ready for school?'


Afterwards, we entered his car and went to school, but it was really annoying cause his friend Adam was hitting on me the whole ride! But thank god we finally arrived at school and entered with Kyle that was going to be with me at school cause my mother asked so.

But I noticed everyone was looking at us, so I asked Kyle about it, and you know what he said? That I needed to kiss him to know but I obviously didn't kiss him and let it go okay whatever we arrived at the director door and entered there they gave me some papers that said were my classes are...but there was a boy his name is Lukas and he was beutiful I totally fell in love with him but ofc Kyle didn't liked that a little and would always take me away when lukas was approaching me so I decided to confront him

Me:"Why are you doing this?!"

Kyle:'Do what?'

Me:"Stop taking me away every time Lukas approaches me!"

Kyle:'He's not a good influence for you!'

Me:"And you are?!"

Kyle:'What do you mean?'

Me:"Ever since we arrived, everyone is looking at you badly, and I heard all the things you do! You are a fucking bully!"

I could tell Kyle was angry cause he started to shout at me but I wouldn't back down so easily so I shouted back




Kyle had slap me and it was hurting like hell and I wanted to cry but I didn't atleast not infront of him I had runned to the garden were I started crying then I suddenly felt someone touching me

me:"Leave me alone!"

Lukas:'It's me Lukas...why are you crying?

(Guys this part is so long so I'll just write and not caractizate)

I told Lukas everything and he offered to take me home so I said yes when we were going he passes my house and starts taking me somewhere else I asked to Lukas where we are going when he suddenly pulled over and some guys entered and I vould tell they had guns I was so scared cause one of them started to touch me and I politely asked for him to stop but he pointed his gun at me saying that he could do what he wants and I was pretty sure I peed myself cause I was pretty scared.

Okay, whatever, after some time of uncomfortable feeling, we arrive at a..................

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