Boku no Hero - A Different Deku Chapter 5 | Prelude

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Deku arrives at Momo's house and is surprised to see that it's a mansion. He comments,

—It's almost the size of U.A.

Momo laughs at this and replies,

—Don't be silly, U.A. is much bigger, I think...

They enter the mansion, greeted by servants. Momo hands her backpack to one of them and says,

—This is Izuku Midoriya, my classmate. You'll see him here often. Today we're using the training field, so I'd like some privacy.

One servant tries to take Izuku's backpack, but he prefers to keep it. Momo leads Izuku to the training room, a huge empty hall. Izuku comments,

—It's impressive, there's so much space.

Momo smiles and responds,

—I know. It's usually empty, but my dad made it for me. Since my quirk is creation, I can make whatever I want or need. This is the first time I'm using this room. So, what's your idea?

Izuku, a bit nervous, responds,

—Well, I have to admit this was a bit sudden. I only have two ideas, but first, I'd like to ask you something. What's the weakness of your quirk? Every quirk has a weakness. For example, mine causes a lot of damage to my body if I use more strength than it can handle, even risking my life.

Momo looks at Deku and says,

—Don't you think you reveal too much information? You should keep some things to maintain the element of surprise in future tests.

Deku smiles and responds,

—I trust you. Besides, if you use my limits against me, I'll just have to surpass them.

Momo smiles and continues,

—That's a good point. My quirk can create any inert material from my body by manipulating my fat cells' molecules. I need to know how something is made to create it. It takes more time and exposed skin for larger objects. Also, the more I eat, the more material I have to work with, so I need a considerable intake of food. But there's a risk of losing weight if I use too much. Plus, I can get exhausted from creating large objects.

After saying this, Momo laughs slightly and adds,

—Now that I say it out loud, my quirk has many weaknesses.

Deku thinks, "With a quirk like that, maybe she'd benefit from being invisible." He analyzes the information while looking at Momo. Before she can question his gaze, Izuku intervenes,

—I think I have an idea. It's very likely that you're using your quirk inefficiently.

Momo, confused, asks,

—What do you mean? How can I use a creation quirk inefficiently?

Deku activates One For All, but this time the glow and red lines don't disappear. This state seems to weigh on him as he comments with difficulty,

—When I started using my quirk, I didn't know how to control my strength. Each hit could have been lethal to me and others. Then I realized I wasn't understanding the nature of my quirk. I used to see it as uncontrollable force, and that's how it acted. Once I understood my mistake, I began to visualize how it worked in my body and thus understood it.

Deku closes his eyes, and the One For All glow and red lines sink into his body, showing greenish rays fluctuating through him. When he opens his eyes, a strange greenish glow appears in his pupils before disappearing.

A Different Deku - Boku No HeroWhere stories live. Discover now