[ 045 ] The Fight Belongs To Me

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( ACT III. ── Fearless )
chapter forty-five / The Fight Belongs To Me




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Annika Räikkönen Straight-up Having A Bad Time In Suzuka

Annika Räikkönen Straight-up Having A Bad Time In Suzuka

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AR: Annika Räikkönen
LM: Lyndon Moth

AR: Woah! The car just stalled or something. What the f*ck was that?
LM: We're looking. That was very strange.

AR: F*ck! F*ck!
LM: Are you okay, Annika?
AR: F*cking... F*cking Sainz doesn't know how to leave a space! What a f*cking prick.
LM: Can you get the car going again?
AR: Yeah. Hey, this is what you get when you put a weasel in a f*cking sh*t show.
LM: Okay, I don't know what that means. Can you rejoin?
AR: ... yes. I'm rejoining.

AR: Ah, mate, something in here really doesn't feel right still. There's some kind of jump in my gears.
LM: Copy. There's nothing showing up on the monitors, but if you'd like we can take some time to do a brief floor check when you pit.
AR: Yeah. Please.

AR: You found nothing?
LM: We saw nothing of immediate concern.
AR: This car wants me dead.

LM: Lewis is lapping three tenths faster than you. Please let him by.
AR: I told you there is something wrong with my car. I am telling you this, Lyndon!
LM: I'm sorry, Annika, we truly cannot find anything. Do you want to retire the car?
AR: No.

AR: It's getting worse. My gears are jumping the whole car around like a f*cking bicycle chain.
LM: If you feel you need to retire the car, it's your call.
AR: No. It's fine. I'm just complaining.

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