Meeting the family

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Leia sat alone on a public transport ship heading to Tatooine. Her parents ensured her that it was best to take a police transport ship so that the threat on them wouldn't target the ship. They also ensured that Ben, Owen, Beru, and Luke would be there when she landed. She has researched Tatooine, and from what she learned, it was a desert planet, but it wasn't always like that. There used to be abundant water in the distant past, but it's all gone now; they get their water from Moisture farms, which is what her aunt and uncle do. She thinks this will be a big adjustment from her plaint where she can get water whenever she wants in a big palace to a Desert plant where they need to farm water. Leia sighed as she looked through her window. Finally, she will get to see Ben again and meet her brother.

As soon as she stepped out of the ship, she was hit with the heat and immediately began sweating. It's a good thing her parents dressed her for the weather. She smiles when she sees Ben. He is standing next to an older, grumpy-looking man and a kind-looking woman, as well as a boy her age, who she assumes to be her uncle, aunt, and brother. Leia walks down the ramp and goes up to them." It's nice to see you, Ben. You look like you've finally gotten some rest." Ben smiled." It's great to see you again, Leia. Allow me to introduce you to your family. For now, you will be staying with your Uncle Owen Lars, your Aunt Beru Lars, and your brother Luke Skywalker." Beru smiled at her." It's nice to meet you, Leia. Let's head back to the farm. I've prepared lunch for us, and you and Luke will have to share a room." Leia has never shared a room before.

Leia was given stew and a glass of blue milk at the farm. This was very different from the food she gets back home, but it was good, so she was not complaining." Uncle Owen, I've been reading about this planet since I've been told I'd be staying here, and I've been curious: how do you farm water? I guess it has something to do with those Machines outside." Owen nodded." Those machines are called evaporators. They harvest water from dry air. The evaporators use refrigerated condensers, called chilling bars, to cool warm air and create condensation. The condensation drips down tall, slender pipes and underground storage tanks. We either keep some for ourselves and sell the rest." Leia looked at her brother." Did they tell you about our parents and why we were separated?" Luke nodded." All I knew beforehand was that my father was born into slavery; he was freed when he was 9, and he piloted a space freighter during the war. I know our aunt and uncle were trying to protect me, but I'm still upset that I was lied to."

After they were done eating, Luke took Leia to his room. It was much smaller than the one she had back home. Luke grabs a ship toy and proudly shows it to her." Ben gave me this. He said he would teach us some force stuff so the inquisitors could not detect us. One day, I'll be a pilot and leave this planet." Leia nodded, happy to be able to see Ben more." What do you do for fun around here?" Leia asked Luke shrugs." Well, I help Uncle Owen with the farm, and my friend Biggs Darklight shoots at womp rats, or we race in beggar's canyon; I do like fiddling with Machines too, but other than that, not so much." Leia gives her brother a shocked look." You can shoot a blaster. my parents and Ben refused to teach me when I asked." Luke looks confused but nods." Here, you learn how to use a blaster at about five, and many dangerous wildlife and people live here. I can teach you that tomorrow, with Biggs, we don't have many free children our age to play with." "There are slaves here?" Leia asked, and Luke nodded." Tatooine is a big slaver hub. Jaba the Hutt runs the slave trade here. You and me are the first free-born on our father's side." Leia frowns. She wants to know more about her father's past. She already didn't like slavery, but now that she knows that she has a Direct connection to it, she wants to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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