Part six

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It's been two years, and my team is exhausted, our resource of finding Hannah has led us to no where.

My patience is running low, every little thing aggravates me. The pack knows that Hannah is their future Luna. I am coated as a cold blooded Alpha.

I recently took over as Alpha of the pack, as promised from last year.

I seldom sleep and most of the time, I have a sleepless night. I can't remember the last time I had a good sleep. Not since Hannah left.

Every time I closed my eyes, I see Hannah's forest green eyes begging me to accept her. I see her eyes full of  sorrow, suffering and longing.

The torment I have given her that night, will forever imbedded with in me.

I have to commit myself to every task, anything to keep me afloat.

A knocked on the door woke me up. I dozed off while reading reports.

"What!" I snapped with rage in my tone. My Beta entered my office with an envelope in his hand.

"We're too late, the bounty hunter named Rose. Left the inn, two days ago. No one knows her whereabouts."

My Beta Hendrix ripped the envelope in his raged. He wanted to personally look for his sister. He felt guilty, and so as his family. We all are.

"If only that bloody Alpha Cole had given us the go in the first place, we'd be able to caught up with her." I stated while punching a hole on my desk.

"It stated in the report that Alpha Cole has requested her aid." Hendrix sat on the sofa, leaning elbows on his knees and head hung low.

"What sort of aid?"

"That's classified information. We have no means of knowing it."

"Alpha Cole, closed his borders around the time Rose stayed in his pack."

"Fuck! We're back to square one then."

"Yeah I would say."

"Shit! It's been two years. How is it possible, that we have no knowledge of Hannah's whereabouts?"

"I question that myself. I... I don't know my own sister, and I'm ashamed of it."

I gave him a piercing stare. He stood up abruptly, and ask to be dismissed.

"Go. Supervise the patrol and make sure everyone's safety." 

"Yes Alpha right away."

I sigh, looking at Hannah's photo. The only photo I have with her, it was her tenth birthday. Those innocent deep green eyes of her. She looked so radiant and cheerful.

"It's all my fault. I rejected her, I rejected my fated mate. How stupid can you be, Zachary you are so stupid. If I have to spend an eternity to make up for my sin. I will."

Every full-moon. I howled to the moon, crying out my grief. Asking the moon Goddess to give me a second chance. To keep Hannah safe. And to see her again.

The young Alpha spend his days buried in work, and at a crack of dawn. The Alpha trained his pack proficiently and without mercy.

And at that moment, the young Alpha was labeled as cold blooded Alpha.

Zachary never stop looking for his mate, every little detail that would leads to finding her. He would follow the trail and not leave a stone unturned.

At the moment, Zachary is in his office signing documents, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Enter." Zachary yelled with a grunt.

"Alpha. An invitation arrived from the elders council." Hendrix handed the black envelope to Zachary. He took it, and looked at it for a moment with a frown.

"Burn it. I have no need for it."

"Do you have any idea what it is for?"

"It's a gala for unmated Alpha. All unmated female of age will be attending."

"Then... are you allowed to decline it?"

"They can't make me. I will decline it how many times I want. I already have a mate. And I will not eyed any other female. Hannah is the only woman I'll be gazing my eyes with"

Hendrix released a sigh, and bowed his head. "As you wish Alpha. I'll be training the newly turned pup starting tomorrow Alpha."

Zachary looked at Hannah's photo on his disk with a melancholic expression. "I'll leave them in your care, train them well. Do you have anything to report?"

"No. That is all I have for now Alpha." Hendrix wanted to stay and chat more with his Best-friend, but he can't bear to look at the sorrow on his face. He can only blame himself for how they treated Hannah, his own sister. He sworn to himself to never give up looking for her. And if one day, if fate allow's it. He would spend the rest of his life asking for forgiveness. Also, making up for the lost moment, his family should share.

Hendrix, the young Beta of the pack. His supervising the newly turned pup. He was lost in thought, thinking of the night Hannah was about to meet her wolf. What would happen if, he stepped up and protect her? Would it turned out to be like this?  Then again, he was too late. One of the pup called out and jumped up in front of him.

"Beta...! Beta did you see that? I rolled then turned into my human form." The boy with his bare small body, climbed on top of the Beta's back, enthusiastically calling out to his friend. The Beta reached out and grabbed the pup to his nape. Then the Beta smacked the pups bottom. It was a beautiful day, full of laughter and giggling pups. 

Hendrix suddenly froze, then a tears drop-down his face. He quickly wiped it and chased the pups, hiding his sorrow. 

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