Unspoken News: Part 1

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Rory Gilmore stood outside Luke's Diner, her hand clutching the door handle, her heart racing with the weight of the news she was about to share. Her mother, Lorelai, stood beside her, offering a reassuring smile. Taking a deep breath, Rory pushed the door open, and the familiar scent of coffee and bacon enveloped her.

Luke's Diner was bustling with its usual morning crowd. Miss Patty and Babette sat at their regular table, whispering conspiratorially as they sipped their coffee. The clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation filled the air. Rory and Lorelai made their way to the counter where Luke was busy pouring coffee.

"Hey, Luke," Lorelai greeted, her voice casual but her eyes betraying the gravity of the situation.

"Morning, Lorelai, Rory," Luke responded with a warm smile. "What can I get you two?"

Rory hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Actually, Luke, we need to talk to you about something important."

Luke's brow furrowed with concern as he set down the coffee pot. "What's going on?"

Rory took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Luke's. "I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Luke's expression shifted from confusion to shock, and then to a mixture of concern and understanding.

"Wow, Rory," Luke finally said, his voice gentle. "That's big news."

Miss Patty and Babette, who had been trying to eavesdrop, exchanged wide-eyed glances. Within seconds, they were by Rory's side, their curiosity unabashed.

"Did I hear that right? Rory's pregnant?" Miss Patty asked, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"Congratulations, sweetie!" Babette chimed in, her voice full of genuine excitement.

Rory felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as she nodded. "Yeah, I am."

Miss Patty leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "And who's the father, dear?"

Rory hesitated, glancing at her mother for support. Lorelai gave her an encouraging nod. "Logan," Rory said quietly. "Logan Huntzberger."

Miss Patty's eyes widened in shock, and Babette let out a low whistle. "Well, well, well," Miss Patty said. "The plot thickens!"

"Logan, huh?" Babette added, shaking her head. "That boy better step up."

The next few minutes were a whirlwind of questions and congratulations from Miss Patty and Babette, who were eager to know every detail. Luke, ever the protector, gently ushered them back to their table, promising they could talk later.

Rory glanced at her mother, who gave her a reassuring nod. They had taken the first step, and while it was nerve-wracking, it was also a relief to share the news with someone they trusted.

After leaving the diner, Lorelai and Rory decided to go their separate ways for a few hours. Lorelai needed to head to the Dragonfly Inn, and Rory had plans to visit Lane. They agreed to meet up later for their usual Friday night dinner at Emily's house.

As Lorelai walked through the charming streets of Stars Hollow, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and worry. Her mind raced with thoughts about Logan, Rory's future, and how everything would unfold.

When she arrived at the inn, she found Michel and Sookie in the kitchen, engrossed in a lively discussion about the latest menu.

"Hey, guys," Lorelai greeted, her tone casual but her mind focused on the task at hand.

"Lorelai!" Sookie exclaimed, her face lighting up. "What's up?"

"Not much," Lorelai said, trying to keep her tone light. "Just thought I'd share some news. Rory's pregnant."

The reaction was immediate. Sookie dropped her spatula, her eyes wide with shock and joy. Michel, always composed, raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" Sookie squealed, rushing over to hug Lorelai. "How's she feeling? What about Logan? Are they getting married?"

Lorelai chuckled, holding up her hands to stem the flow of questions. "One step at a time, Sookie. We're still figuring things out."

Michel, ever the pragmatist, nodded thoughtfully. "Well, congratulations to Rory. And to you, Lorelai. A grandchild is a blessing."

As they chatted, Lorelai couldn't help but think about her conversation with Luke earlier. They had talked about their concerns regarding Logan, his commitment, and whether Rory would make the right decisions. It was clear that they both had their reservations, but for now, they had to trust Rory.

Rory knocked on Lane's door, her heart pounding. She had rehearsed this conversation a hundred times in her head, but now that the moment was here, she felt a rush of nerves.

Lane opened the door, her face breaking into a wide smile. "Rory! Come in!"

They settled into Lane's cozy living room, surrounded by musical instruments and posters of bands they loved. Rory took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say.

"Lane, there's something I need to tell you," Rory began, her voice steady but her heart racing. "I'm pregnant."

Lane's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, she was speechless. Then, a grin spread across her face. "Oh my God, Rory! That's huge! How are you feeling? What about Logan?"

Rory smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. "It's a lot to take in, but I'm okay. Logan knows, and we're still figuring things out."

Lane leaned forward, her eyes full of concern and excitement. "Do you need anything? Have you told your mom? What's the plan?"

Rory laughed, feeling grateful for Lane's support. "Mom knows, and we're taking it one day at a time. I just wanted you to know first."

As they talked, Zach and Brian wandered in, curious about the conversation. When they heard the news, they congratulated Rory with genuine enthusiasm, offering their support in any way they could.

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