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Nicole's pov
I walked down to see my parents and they saw me and oviously were drunk again and they started beating me and I cried buy not a lot because I was used to this, I went up to get ready and put on a shirt that goes to my elbows and I got to school late again. I walked into Class and the teacher gasped and looked at my arms. "Are you ok nicole? "The teacher asked and I looked at my arms and my eyes go wide "um yeah I just fell down the stairs" I say and rose sighed and she walked me outside and hugged me. "After this year your living with me I can't handle this" she said and I nodded and we walked back in and I tried to cover it up, derek looked at me in disgust. "What your parents get mad and beat you?" He asked a little to loud and I look at him then up and see everyone staring, I look at rose and she raised her hand. "Can I sit next to Nicole?" She asked and she nodded and she walked over and grabbed derek by his shirt and pushed him away from me. "Stay away from my best friend" she spat and we paid attention. During the end of class another teacher came in and we all stop and looked "um Nicole's parents are here to pick her up" He said and everyone looks at me and I'm shaking and rose raised her hand. "She can't go, please" she said "it's ok" I say and get up still shaking and I walk out and see my parents "hey honey" she fakes and I just look at her arendnd they pull me out of the building and I turned and saw the class I was in and rose was looking out the window and I wasn't paying attention and my dad slapped me and that when rose stood up and pointed out the window saying something and I was shocked to into my dad by my mom, they were still drunk. Rose comes running out and pushes my parents away from me and runs me inside and calls 911, we hear sirens and a police officer takes us outside and by now my whole class was watching. "What happened" He asked "well my parents started getting drunk every night because my brother died and d they blamed me for it and they beat me everyday" I say crying and rose hugs me "ok do you have a place to stay?" He asked I start to say no when rose spoke "yeah my place" she said and he nods "ok go home get some stuff and you girls can be released" He said and I waited as rose ran in and got her bag, she holds me as we walk to my car.

At my house
I pack all my clothes and shoes then I grab some bathroom stuff, I walk back out to the car and see those grier boys walking past my car and to their house which was right next to mine,Rose starts the car and drives us to her house.

Roses house
We get out and her mom runs out and hugs me tight. "I'm sorry you had to go through that honey" she said and I hug back we walk in and I see her older brother who is 16. He hugs me also, I put my stuff away and we sat down looking up random things on play store and saw a new app called vine! We download it and decided to try it, we tell her mom that we're going to the skate park across from my house and we grab our penny boards and start skating there.

Skate park
When we got there, there was a little blonde girl playing with ponies and I saw Matthew and the grier boys but we ignored them and I recorded rose doing skate tricks and uploaded it on vine. "Rose my turn!" I yell shaking her, I skate down into the hole and back up on the other side then I held onto the top and picked myself up. "God that's fun" I say and I see Matthew watching I blush and we start checking our vines and we have new followers: Cameron Dallas, Carter Reynolds, jack and jack, aaron Carpenter are now following you. we smile and continue talking

Roses pov
While we were talking a dark figure approached behind Nicole and I relize it's my brother and I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

Nicole's pov
Rose put her hand over her mouth and I feel someone grab me and I scream and he started laughing and I relized it was her brother. "Are you ok? Do I need to hit someone with my horse?" The little girl asked I laughed and bent down to her height. "No its fine, what's your name sweetie?" I asked "I'm skylynn, those guys are my brothers nash and hayes" she said "well I love your name and you should go to your brothers before they get worried" I say and she leaves and I turn around and slap his shoulder. "Fuck! You scared the crap out of me Taylor!" I yelled laughing and he picked me up and spun me around. "I'm sorry NICOLE!" He screamed and I was laughing "Stop before someone looks" I said "to late" I hear matt say and I turn around and see him pissed off. "Hey matt" I say "don't hey Matt me! I tell you I still like you and your here having fun with that guy! Did you have sex yet?" He yelled mad "he's rose's brother and no I didn't! But I guess I could do this" I say turning to look at taylor a don't I slammed my lips on his and wrapped my legs around him, then pulled away and turned to matt again. "Nicole can I talk to" Matt asked I nod asked ND he yanks my wrist behind a tree and gets close to my ear. "Can he fuck you like I can? Can he kiss you like I can?"He growled kissing my neck roughly "no matt" I moan quietly I push him off and start to walk away but matt pulled me back into his chest. "Baby please give me a chance?" He asked with tears in his eyes "matt, I cant, I'm only a slut, I'm broken " I say crying "baby, I can help you" he said and i hugged him tight "ok ill give you a chance" I whisper and ran to rose and we got on our penny boards and skated to her house (taylor left already).

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