Belief, or real?

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The room ws filled with cackles of joy and loud conversations of the ninth grade pupils, Harley is peacefully sketching with Yuna complaining about her end results in their math exam. Yuna was once again, trying to get away from the person obsessed with her because she is half japanese and that person is into japanese people, even of their just half.

"Jesse, leave me alone!" Yuna screamed after a guy named, Jesse, the student council's treasurer.

Harley scoffed as the two began to argue, his paint slipped over his whole painting and spilled his cherry tree with different colors. He was mad, but realized. The colors looked great in half of the tree, giving off its beautiful, irregular color choices. The latter fixed some things and the painting turned into a mess, to an amazing blaze of colored art! Harley sighed in content and closed his sketch book, looking out the opened window beside him. As Yuna and Jesse's arguing continued to strain the background, Harley just looked distractingly outside the window.

The rolling of buses and cars outside the gates and the newly late graders, chatter of the school were buzzingly active outside. It was a calming sight, watching a bee go back to its nest, a wild rabbit sneaking its way to the school's vegetable shed and wild squirrels happily climbing trees and doing their businesses.

Harley rested his hand on his palm and his desk supporting his elbow as he continued to gaze outside. The sliding door of the classroom opened and Anderson quietly entered. Harley looked over to see who entered, gave a disgusted face and looked back out the window. The girls in the class swooned over Anderson once again and the latter just scoffed before walking back in his desk, which was just two seats behind Harley.

Yuna sat next to Harley and pouted, but stopped when she remembered something.

"Harley! You should try this new manga I bought yesterday, its romance genre though.." She spoke as she pushed a rather thick manga book to Harley.

"Seriously? Since when are you interested in romantic related genres?" Harley replied bluntly as he skimmed through the thin pages and pages of the manga.

"Ah.. I started a week ago when I found this really interesting romance novel! I haven't finished that one yet too." Yuna responded as she looked at Harley skimming through the pages.

"What even is the plot.." Harley added and Yuna looked at the board.

"Angst related stuff, but it also focuses on romance!" Yuna responded with a dreamy face, she had always been a fan of angst.


"Also these are all sensitive stuffs. Did they get a happy ending or no..?" Harley lazily asked as he pushed the manga back to its owner.

"Well.. I looked at the end and they did not get the happy ending apparently.." Yuna responded as she took the manga.

"Spoilers, yapper." Harley commented with a lazy smirk.


"Now, now, settle down class!" The teacher cut Yuna as she pouted again and sat back on her desk.

The boring class started, (Well, maybe not "too boring" for Harley) but Anderson kept staring at Harley intensely. He wanted to run over to just grab him and take him somewhere else where he can't run away.

"When you catch the prey, make it a cage when it still struggles, bite its legs so it cannot run away."

A quote he sticked in the imaginary walls of his brain. He considered himself a coward for being too scared to even ask Harley out, a simple date yet he does not know how to cope? The bell rings as it interrupted his thoughts, indicating its the end of the first period.

There was a hill where a lone, large cherry tree stands. It was just right outside in the backyard of the school. Many students who were confessing to each other come up under the tree as to boost their confidence, its because its believed that the cherry blossom,

"Tells you that you are fated to be, belonged to each other, made for each other."

Wether its a belief or not, some people believed some people not, the tree is as old as the school when it was first built. Thirty years ago, the hill used to be empty with just a small patch of red and pink roses, grew a now large cherry tree. Also it gives off a calming vibe and Harley's favorite spot.

The cherry tree still did not destroy the roses, but they grew different variants of colors. Harley likes white roses, it reminded him of his auntie, Farina Ebony, who has a condition that made her grow white hair instead of a natural copper blonde.

Harley and Yuna sat under the cherry tree, under this tree, is where Yuna's older brother passed away. Although she was still traumatized of that day, she did not leave her bestfriend alone. The two ate lunch, talked and laughed

The spring now arrives..

•                                                                             •
A/N: Forgive me for having another short chapter once again... But this chapter holds a clue of what ending we will get. Don't reveal in the comments V✪ω✪V

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