Chapter 1: The Fire

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God made a promise to Noah thousands of years ago, that he would never destroy the earth by flooding it again. The rainbow was his signature signed off on that promise, right there in the sky reminding all who looked upon it. It's funny how the survivors of that time failed to ask him not to destroy it at all in the future. They were only worried about their time; another flood, I guess they didn't think about the future going up in flames. Now we're just watching it all burn. I guess we only deserve it though, we are sinners after all. 

The year is 2024, I've lost track of the months and days since the burning began. It's been at least a year since the fire rained down from the heavens and practically destroyed everything. Everything except for me, my brother, and our crazy grandfather's survival bunker. There were no predictions for it, nobody saw it coming. Well, except for the Christians. They were protesting heavily, screaming about the last days to come and how our sins would burn us away. They were right. I didn't believe in God until that day, the day the world became hell incarnate.

Just a few days before, abortion had been legalized worldwide. Millions of children around the world being murdered, in some places they were even killing children right after birth. China had attacked Australia; adding to the death count and started a war with the US. New vaccines; for a pandemic almost forgotten, had become mandatory worldwide when the virus wasn't even the issue. It was the elites and those corrupt in power that had ordered and paid off those in the medical fields to deny patients proper health care. They also had every doctor in America write off any deaths during that time as being involved with the disease even if the deaths weren't related. Millions had and were dropping like flies because of the chaos plaguing the world. Sinful nature took over and so did insanity, all before the disaster had even begun. I guess God couldn't stand to watch evil reign over us any longer and decided to intervene and end it all. Or at least that's what my grandfather said before forcing us into his old survival bunker his prepping habits had birthed life to and locking us in. We could hear the screaming of the old man, like a faint echo, as he were burned alive. His sacrifice for our survival.

My name is Addison Richardson. I'm 25 years old with wavy blonde hair, green eyes, and a 185-pound curved body standing at the height of 5 feet and 5 inches. I want someone to know I was here, that I was alive, if there's even anyone else out there left to know. It's probably silly of me, we will most likely run out of oxygen before long and suffocate down here without anyone ever finding us. It's a miracle we haven't died yet, but by God's mercy or luck we are still alive somehow.

"Why are you even writing we're going to die down here? That stupid journal will just burn up with our bodies like everything else already has."

Addison's brother sat depressingly in the shadowy corner of the bunker, still as a rock while he breathed his negativity into the air. He had been there for what felt like forever to his sister, refusing to move, while giving up hope.

"We don't know that Zachariah, God may give us a miracle. Maybe the fires will stop one day, maybe there are others...," Addison sounded as if she was not only trying to convince him but herself as well. Her voice faded along with the frustration of their situation on her last sentence.

"God?! You didn't believe in a God before, believing now won't change our situation. We were dead the minute the fire came. Even Grandpa believed and that still didn't save him. We're being punished and the punishment won't end until we're dead too."

"We're still breathing, with life there is still hope. There could be others, we just don't know. Noah and his family floated after the flood for like a year right? What if this is just like that and we just have to wait? Have patience."

Watching The World Burn by Abby Jean SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now