as every one was packing to go exsplor. it went died silents and it was never that quit and then one minet later it went back to ruckus. as they started on there adventure cevin and Vince were on there tows and we're ready to atace at any time and the girls were all talking about it was probably a bad idea to let Sara die. and as there was some hevy foot steps behind them as they look to see a HUGE ZONBIE as they were running for there lifes as cevin fell behind and got crushed by the huge zonbie. as they were still runing and vince started to cry so did macy but they cep running. as grace saw a building and ran tord it. when they got there the huge zonbie had lost them.
It Was All A Dream
Horrorabout a girl that sees a horror movie and then she wakes up in a dream and she thinks it is realife.