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Aecha woke up to the sound of her alarm, with a groan, she got up. She got ready for school, quickly running down the stairs "be careful!" Her mom yelled "I am careful!" She replied back, grabbing some food before leaving.

It was the day before her birthday, she was beyond excited, she can't wait for the box. She was practically skipping yo school. "Aecha!" Micha ran up to the girl "you're Offaly excited today"she chuckled 

"I know! I'm so excited to get the box tomorrow, I wonder what time it comes at" she happily asked "I don't know, maybe like the time you were born I think" she explained "oh! My mom said I was born really early!" She smiled. 

As they walked to school together, they kept on talking about random stuff "no i totally agree!" Aecha said "oh hey" the hwang twins said. 

"What's up, your not fighting today, what's the occasion?" Micha asked "its our beloved aecha's birthday tomorrow"  Hansul said and haneul agreed. "Haha I see" she laughed.

"Hey aecha" subin walked up to the girl "hey!" She greeted the boy "aecha can you help me?" He asked the girl "oh sure with what?" She smiled "oh just taking these to the teacher's office" he showed her the books "oh sure!".

As they walked down the halls, books in hand, it was quite "isn't it your birthday tomorrow?" Subin looked at the girl, she smiled "yeah it is, I'm so excited" she exclaimed, he chuckled, finding her cute "that means you will get your box right?" He asked "yup!"

"Thanks for the help aecha" he said "no problem! I'll see you later" she smiled at the boy "yeah, bye" he waved, watching her walk off.

Walking into her class, she smiled at the students, and politely greeted the teacher "good morning miss!" She walked towards her seat, finding another note. 

'I hope you remember me soon' she looked at the note, and looked around the class, no one was looking at her, 'that's weird' she thought to herself and sat down.

The teacher started the lesson, she took out her notes, and stared to write the lesson down, but she soon go bored, she started to draw a flower, one she always thought off, she has never seen it, but it's in her mind... orange flower.

It's like the flower holds powers, she finds herself so attracted to the flower, she always hears a melody in her head every time she thinks of the orange flower, she loves it, it's so beautiful as if it's a song, but it's missing the lyrics.

She was so deep in thought, she hadn't even heard the sound of the bell ringing, saying it was almost the end of the day.

Walking to her locker, to pack up her stuff, she had thought a lot of the box, she couldn't stop thinking about it, she was so out of it, she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry" she bowed at the boy "I didn't see you" she bowed again, the boy looked at her "uh it's ok" he quietly said, quickly walking away.  'Weird' she thought.

As she walked home the breeze hitting her face, she heard footsteps running towards her, turning around, her eyes met the eyes of her friend, Hansul "oh hey hanie what's up" she asked the girl "chaieeee! Sorry I wasn't in your lesson today" she apologized "oh no it's ok".

The girls walked side by side, arms linked together, Aecha told the girl about the notes she would receive every morning "ooo does aecha have a secret admirer?" She teased "haha noo" she laughed.

"Look! Want to go in?" Hansul asked the girl, pointing at the cute small cafe "as a birthday gift" she added "oh sure!" She exclaimed.

The girls walked in, getting greeted by the owner "hello what can I get you lady's?" The girls placed their orders, and found a seat in the corner.

"You know.." aecha started "there's this flower, and every time I think of it, it's really weird, like a hear this melody in my head, I feel so attached to this flower" she laughed out "oh really? What flower is it?" Hansul asked, fully invested "an Orange flower" she said "hmmm maybe a loved one whom passed loved that kind of flower?" She questioned "maybe I don't know".

The girls got their food and drinks, they ate and talked about random topics. The girls thanked the owner and left the cafe, walking back to aecha's house.

Entering her house, she was greeted to an empty house, again. Sighing, she took off her shoes, and went up to her room to finish her homework she has for her classes.

After she finished her homework, she decided to get changed and lay on her bed, taking out her phone, scrolling through instagram, she found a post, of a girl, whom got her box.

"That's so cute! I hope mine is like that" she looked at the girls box, which was full of cute toys and love notes, she sighed, checking the time almost 00:00, she smiled, going back to scrolling on social media.

"What the" she zoomed into the picture, it was a picture of the same guy from yesterday, but this time, his account was tagged, pressed the account, waiting for it to load, she noticed the time '00:15' she looked around her room 'no box yet' she frowned.

Noticing the page had loaded, she saw he had posted something new 'happy birthday my love, I miss you every day, I wish to see you soon' she read the post "aw his girlfriend must have passed" she said to her self.

She decided to sleep, getting comfortable in her bed, grabbing her stuffed animal, looking around her room, excited to get her box when she wakes up.

"Good night" she said to herself.

When she woke up, she excited looked around her room "no box, that's weird, mom said I was born early" she said with a frown.

Since it was her birthday, her mom let her stay home, only going to last period for school, she sat down, turning on the tv, and watching whatever caught her eye.

Eating her food, scrolling through social media, looking at all the posts her friends made for her birthday, smiling and commenting her gratitude for them.

'Happy birthday aeche!, btw r u coming to school 2day?' The text from Subin read 'thanks! And yeah I'm coming, only for last period tho' she replied 'ahhh ok I'll see u then!' He quickly replied 'yup!'.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, she turned her attention to the hallway "aecha!" Her mother shouted "yeah?" She asked "I got you something!" She said, the girl quickly got up, walking over to her mother.

"What is it?" She asked curiously "close your eyes" her mother excitedly said "ok" she closed her eyes, feeling her mother grab her hand, and put something in it "open"

The girl stared at the beautiful necklace, it had flowers on it orange flowers "it's Beautiful, thank you" the girl replied, still looking at the necklace "I'm glad you like it" her mother smiled.

The girl walked into her room, it was almost 2pm, she honestly was starting to think she didn't get a box, as she walked into the room, not acknowledging her surroundings, she tripped on something.

She looked down, found herself looking at a box, with a note on it 'today, this time, right now, is your time, open the box to reveal your lost treasures of your past'.

She almost screamed, she excitedly looked at the box, eager to open it.


~epppp thoughts??

~she got her box!! What will happen nextttt??

~sorry for any grammar mistakes!

~thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed I love you all🎀


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