Fractured fairytale

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There was once a king, with 12 beautiful daughters, they all slept in one large bedroom with 12 beds; when they slept the door was locked, there was no way for them to leave their room, however every morning their shoes would all look worn as if they had danced all night. No one within the kingdom could figure out how.

The king announced to the whole land that whoever could find out where the girls went, could have their pick for his bride. Many men tried, and failed, causing them to lose their lives. That's where I come in, hello I'm Freyja Graye before you say anything I know that's a 'girl's' name well that's probably because I am a girl. I dress up as a man so I am not forced into marriage and having children with a man, I'm not interested in that.

One day I showed up to the castle after getting advice from an old servant woman.

"Do not drink or eat anything the princesses give you, it will make you fall asleep." she warned.

It was quiet in the throne room when I entered, my armor made soft clinking noises as I walked. I kneeled before the king praying to the gods he would not notice that I looked more feminine. My sword, Ruinbringer at my side.

"King Matthias." I said, my voice echoing through the room.

"State your name and business." The king responded, his eyes bore into my skull.

"Falk Graye," I blew a piece of stray hair from my eyes. "I have come here to take you up on your claim, about you daughters." The king stared at me.

"You may try," he checked his nails. "If you fail, however, you will be executed."

I paused, fear in my eyes. I must have confidence in myself to succeed. I thought to myself.

"Yes, sir."


That night after dinner I followed the princesses back to their shared bedroom, the eldest a girl around my age with long red curls and a beautiful green gown kept complimenting me.

"Your hair is such a beautiful color, I wish mine was like that." She said kindly.

"But your hair is beautiful, princess." I responded.

Thank you, and please call me Calliope."

"Okay, I will remember that." I said as we entered the room behind Calliope's sisters.

Before bed one the younger princesses offered me a glass of wine, I remembered the old servant's words and politely declined.

"No thank you princess, I don't drink."

The princesses eventually went to bed, I waited, and waited, and waited. Until around 12 a dim light came from the corner, one of the girls, the youngest, Alina got up and woke her sisters as the light became brighter.

"It's here again! Come sisters!" she exclaimed.

"Shush! We do not want to wake father." an older sister warned. I believe her name is Ashlyn.

"Or our new friend." Another one said, smirking at Calliope who blushed and looked away.

"Anyways sisters, let us dance." Calliope said stepping into the light, then one after another they all followed, I ran in right after the youngest girl and hid immediately.

Inside was beautiful, flat ground for dancing, a glimmering lake beside it, grass that glows with a silver hue, beautiful tall trees, and music coming from out of nowhere. The girls began dancing almost immediately. It was truly a beautiful sight. The princesses danced 'til the sun began to rise over the horizon, the girls rushed to their room, I followed quickly behind and slipped into my bed.

After the girls went back to sleep I ran to tell the king.

"My lord, I have discovered the cause of your daughters' shoes wearing down."

"You have?" He looked surprised to say the least.

"Yes sir." I replied.

I explained it all to him, he told me that at breakfast I shall be permitted to choose my pick of his daughters. I wanted to choose the beautiful lady Calliope of course.

"Princess Calliope, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met." I remember whispering as I watched the princesses dance.


That day at breakfast the king announced, I will be married to Calliope. But then, a person came running in, followed by guards. I watched in horror as I recognized my father... the one person who hates me most.

"You!" he yelled, pointing at me. "You are no knight! You are my cursed daughter!"

"What?" the king asked in disbelief as the guards held my father back.

He gave the signal for the guards to let him go, my father walked to me and I flinched back slightly.

"Freyja." He said, clasping his hand tightly on my shoulder.

I wanted to respond but his mere presence scares me too much. The princesses did not look shocked as their father did at the realization, they in fact looked as if they were not surprised. As if they had known already. After 10 minutes, which I believe were my father confirming who he is, I could not tell I was too busy hyperventilating. My father was eventually allowed by the king to take me away. I did not say anything as he took me home, my mother was not home from the market yet.

"Go change out of.. whatever that is, and get something more fitting for a girl your age." he looked at my armor in disgust before walking away to hide my sword somewhere.

I walked to my room begrudgingly and changed to a simple dress, it felt weird. I haven't worn a dress since I ran away, when I was 19, 3 years ago. I was immediately expected to do chores by my father, of course. My mother came home and hugged me so hard I could barely breathe. She fussed around with my hair.

"Your hair! You cut it off?" she looked at it.

"Well, kinda.. It's just shorter now." I took out the small ponytail on my head. My hair reaches around my shoulders.

"I don't even care, I'm just glad you're back, Freyja." My mother said to my relief.

She hugged me again before allowing me to go back to my chores.

"Really Alfred? Making her do chores as soon as she is home?" She said to my father.

"Yes, woman." He sighs, acting annoyed that a woman dared speak to him.

I already knew what I was gonna do, I planned as I swept the floor. After 3 nights, I finally found my sword, I grabbed my armor and went through the window of my first-floor bedroom.

The king will probably not have the guards let me in. I thought.

I walked in the direction of the castle. Making it there right after the sunset. I quickly put my armor on, leaving my dress in a bush. When I walked to the tower of the princesses bedroom, I saw curly red hair blowing out the window.

"Princess Calliope?" I asked.

The princess looks down.

"Freyja?" She smiled at me.

"M'lady," I said. "Will you come with me?"

Long story short, the princess and I now live in a cottage at the edge of the woods. My father refuses to see me but sometimes my mother will take the long way home from the market to see me.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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