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It had been 5 hours since the moment Siobhan suspected her wrist broke. 4 hours and 40 minutes since she was dropped off outside A&E in an Uber. 4 hours and 35 minutes since she was told to take a seat in the waiting room. 4 hours and 30 minutes since she'd grown tired of waiting.

She pulled her mobile out of her bag and checked the home screen. 16:25. No notifications. Roger wouldn't be far off returning home from his day of golf soon and would no doubt wonder where she was. She'd give it 15 more minutes then leave, pain be damned.

Looking up, a flash of blue scrubs caught her eye.

"Excuse me, I've been sat here for-"

The nurse wearing the scrubs turned around. Black hair, green eyes, freckles. The realisation stopped Siobhan mid sentence. She wished she could take the beginning of it back too.

"Oh, hello again. I know you." There was that same annoyingly cheery voice from 2 weeks ago.

Siobhan was looking everywhere but at the woman. "I don't think so."

"Now, now, don't be like that. I quite enjoyed our little chat in your office the other week. So, what brings you to my office now?" she winked playfully.

Siobhan bit back the urge to make a sarcastic comment. Besides, she really didn't have the time for any of this.

"Look, I've really hurt my wrist," the blonde started, motioning to her left wrist with her right hand, "I don't know if it's broken or not but I've been waiting around for hours now and it's really painful."

The nurse nodded in understanding, her expression softening. She thought for a moment. "Tell you what, my shift is over soon, but I can take a look at your wrist for you if you like and get you in for an X-ray quicker if you need one."

"There's no need," Siobhan was still refusing to look at the woman head on, "but thank you."

The nurse smiled knowingly. She may not know the blonde very well yet, but she knew the game she was playing now, and the dark haired woman wasn't one for giving up easily.

"Look, I know you're fed up of waiting, you were about to tell me as much before you realised who I was. I'm right, aren't I?"

Siobhan only rolled her eyes in response.

"Well, I'm offering to have you seen to and out of here quicker than if you were to carry on sitting there waiting. So, if you're interested, you can put your pride aside and follow me."

Siobhan's eyes widened at that, slightly caught off guard. She stole another quick glance at her phone. 16:29. She really couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Sighing, she rose to her feet, giving in. "Fine."

The last thing Siobhan wanted was to be treated at hospital by a potential gossiping parent. But, despite only having met the woman once briefly, something in her felt assured that she wouldn't be the talk of the two nurseries by tomorrow morning. But even if she was wrong, a bit of gossip in exchange for a fast ticket out of there and home on time was a price she'd willingly pay.

The nurse lead them down the corridor and into an empty exam room. "Take a seat and if you could hold out your wrist for me, please," she instructed as she closed the door behind them.

The dark haired woman took the chair opposite Siobhan, moving it closer to the blonde before sitting down. "Alright, I'm just going to start by gently applying pressure, okay?"

Siobhan nodded, wincing when the nurse hit a particularly tender spot. "I thought you said gently."

The woman shot her a look of mock offence. "I'll have you know I have a very gentle touch," she smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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