chapter 6 ✮

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*third person pov*

She gazed up to look at him. But before she could speak, he spoke up.

"What are you doing down here?" He asks, as it was late at night and she needed to rest.

"Oh I just had a headache so I came to get some medicine. How about you? Why're you here?" She smiled at him. "I just needed some water." He replies in a sleepy, raspy voice. She hummed as a response, but after trying to find the medicine she still couldn't find it. Suddenly she heard a voice from right behind her, and froze when she heard it.

"Need help finding it?" Riki asks from behind her, leaning on her and holding her waist for support. She gasped quietly at this, but she tried to keep her cool. Not soon after that Riki pulled out a little bottle of Tylenol.

"Is this it?" Riki handed it to her. She nodded her head, "Yes, thank you!" She thanked him which made him chuckle. "You shouldn't have drank so much. You're gonna feel like a pile of shit when you wake up." He warned her. "Ugh, I didn't even drink that much." She pouted her lips. He giggled. "Yes you did, you were giggling and smiling like an idiot and mumbling to yourself the whole night." He reminds her, and the moment flashes in her mind again,she was acting so embarrassing.

"Hey! Whatever, let's just go upstairs." She changed the topic, she quickly ate a pill and drank water. She walked over to the stairs, looking at him waiting for him to come along, he just stared at her, dumbfounded.

"Are you gonna come orr?" She questions. "Oh, yes." He quickly walks over to her in embarrassment. She lets him go ahead, but he insists she goes first. She very quickly ran up, leaving him behind and dumbfounded but he just ignored it.

He finds his way back to Sunghoon's room, where the six boys stare at him. He just freezes, looking at them. "Wha-" He tries to ask but gets cut off. "What took you so long?" Heeseung spoke up in the awkward silence. "I just.. ran into something, yeah. I just ran into something." He quickly answers back, but the rest felt suspicious and just stared at him.

Sunoo breaks out into laughter, Jungwon laughing after him, and the rest join. "Okay, come sit with us we're playing UNO." Jay says rubbing his eyes, and Riki joins them glad they didn't suspect anything, but he spotted Jake glaring at him. He just shrugged it off, thinking nothing of it.


*Jia's pov*

The weekend was over, and stupid hoons friends stayed the whole weekend, it was chaotic. I barely even got any sleep, I kept dozing off in the bus.

"Girl, are you okay?" Konon asks her. "You've been dozing off this whole bus ride." Dani chimes in.

"Uh, yeah. My brothers friends came over and they stayed the whole weekend." I scoffed at the thought.

We got off the bus and I made my way to class, Jay running up behind me and dunking on my head.

"Ow?" I looked up at him, and he just had a cheeky little smile. "Bro, I got like no sleep cause of you. I'm not in the mood." I rolled my eyes at him. "Dang ma, could've told us." he puts his hands up in defense. "Well, knowing you guys, you guys would just be louder if anything." I scowled at him, and by the time we were done talking we had reached our first class, the teacher still didn't come.

I went to my seat beside Riki, who was just scrolling on his phone. I just ignored him and laid my head down on the desk, my face was facing him but I didn't really care.

"Yo, you good?" He speaks up. "No? You're one of the reasons I barely got any sleep last night." I scoffed for the 100th time that day.

"Bro, you could've just not came to school then?" he rolls his eyes. "Yeah thanks for pointing out the obvious, but I was forced to." I roll my eyes back at him, mocking him in which he just laughs.

The teacher came in, and started teaching. I didn't even realize it, but I fell asleep.

*Riki's pov*

"Why's she kinda cute when she's asleep?" I thought.

The teacher gestured me to wake her up, and I felt guilty but I had to.

I pushed her forehead a bit, trying to wake her up but no avail. Suddenly Sunghoon chimes in.

"I got it." He says, walking over to her and getting close to her before clearing his throat.
"Honey! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" Sunghoon says loudly, in a high pitched voice which seemed to scare the shit out of Jia.

The class just laughed.

"Bro!" She whines. "Jia, why don't you step out for a minute to wake yourself up?" He gestured her to step out, and she did.

*Jia's pov*

Oh my days. That was so embarrassing. Anyways, I stepped out of the classroom only to be confronted with one of NingNing's little minions. "Hey you, stay away from Sunghoon!" She pushed my head back so hard it banged on the wall.

I laughed at her sarcastically. "Do you know who I am? You should respect me if you even want a chance with him."

She gave me a dirty look. "I don't care who you are, just stay the hell away from him."
She says in that annoying high pitched voice of hers. I mocked her. "Sure girl, i'll stay away." I laughed at her, and she doesn't forget to step on my shoes before walking away.


I was finally home, and I got a text from Riki.


baby duck 🐣‼️

Hey princess, i'm comin over to pick you up so get dressed

                                                                                                              uhm what? why?

baby duck 🐣‼️

just be ready in 10, aight ⁉️

                                                                                                                                     okayyzz 😸


I don't know why, but I smiled at my phone.

"Who are you texting that got you smiling so much?" My mom smirks.

"Uhm. No one!" I say excitedly before running upstairs to get dressed.

"This girl." Amma muttered.


GUYZ. IM SO SO SORRY IF THIS IS BORING AND IF I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG. i've just been too lazy and had no idea what to write 🙁

but, my amazing pook @haeshigh gave me an idea for the plot, THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRLLLL!! i owe you one 🫶‼️😸

anywyas i will try my best to update 😞 if i disappear again it's cause i was too lazy to write.

i was so motivated when i started this but now it's gone 💔 anyways, I WILL UPDATE LATER I WILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE FREQUENTLY!!

cut me some slack this is my first time 😿 anyways MWAHHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS SM KISSESSSS 💋💋💋

next chapter will be interesting i promise 😿

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