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↳By the time I was seven, our father was little more than a ghost. He drifted in and out of our lives, only speaking to us when he needed something—money, a favor, some shit to sell. He was the weight we carried, the shadow that loomed over our every move. He didn't care if we lived or died, as long as his debts were paid.

Kenji and I learned to fend for ourselves. Every day was a struggle to survive. I would wander the streets, searching for anything to feed him. My stomach gnawed with hunger, but I always made sure Kenji ate first. I would find scraps in trash bins, beg for leftovers from restaurants, and even steal when I had to. It was a grim existence, but it was our reality.

One night, after a particularly fruitless day, I found myself in a dark alley, clutching a few stale bread crusts. My legs were weak from exhaustion, and I knew I had to get back to Kenji. As I turned to leave, I heard footsteps behind me. A group of older boys, their faces twisted with malice, blocked my way.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them sneered. "A little rat scrounging for food?"

Fear tightened my chest, but I stood my ground. "Leave me alone," I said, my voice trembling despite my efforts to sound brave.

They laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. "Or what? What are you gonna do, little girl?"

I didn't have an answer. I was small, weak, and alone. But I couldn't show them my fear. I couldn't let them see how terrified I was.

One of them lunged at me, and I dodged, dropping the bread in the process. They closed in, their intentions clear. I fought back, kicking and scratching, but it was like fighting a tidal wave. They were stronger, and I knew I was outmatched.

As they pinned me against the wall, panic surged through me. I thought of Kenji, waiting for me, hungry and alone. I couldn't let them hurt me—I couldn't leave Kenji without anyone to protect him.

In that moment of sheer terror, something inside me snapped. A burning sensation spread through my chest, and I felt a strange tugging at my sternum. I looked down and saw a cord growing out of my skin, like some grotesque appendage. Without thinking, I grabbed it and pulled.

Pain ripped through me as my body began to change

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Pain ripped through me as my body began to change. A chainsaw blade burst from my forehead tearing at my flesh, my head morphed into a demonic, mechanical shape, and large chainsaws burst from my arms and legs. The transformation was excruciating, but with it came a surge of power unlike anything I'd ever felt.

 The transformation was excruciating, but with it came a surge of power unlike anything I'd ever felt

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The gang members recoiled in horror, their bravado evaporating. My missing eyeball and the other organs my father had sold regenerated with rapid speed, and I could see their terrified expressions clearly through my new vision.

"What the hell is she?" one of them screamed, stumbling back.

I didn't give them a chance to find out. With a roar, I swung my chainsaw arms, the blades whirring to life. The sound was deafening, the power intoxicating. The boys turned and ran, their fear palpable.

As the last of them disappeared into the night, I stood there, panting, my body slowly returning to normal. The chainsaws melted, unearthing my crown in the process, but the cord stayed connected to my sternum. 

I collapsed to the ground, trembling, my mind reeling from what had just happened

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I collapsed to the ground, trembling, my mind reeling from what had just happened.

I had a quirk. A terrifying, monstrous quirk. But it had saved me. It had given me the strength to protect myself, to protect Kenji.

I stumbled back home, clutching the bread I had managed to save. Kenji was waiting, his eyes lighting up when he saw me. "Y/N! You're back!" he cried, running to me and hugging me tightly.

I held him close, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. "Yeah, I'm back," I said, my voice shaky. "And I have food."

As he ate, I sat there, trying to process what had happened. My quirk was powerful, but it was also terrifying. It turned me into something inhuman, something monstrous. But if it meant keeping Kenji safe, I would embrace it. I would learn to control it, to use it to our advantage.

From that night on, I knew our lives had changed. The world was still dark and dangerous, but I had a weapon now. I had the power to fight back. And I would do whatever it took to protect Kenji, no matter the cost.

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