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<Bones Flashback>

"Amelia! Where are you holding Lucius?" Bellowed the Minister, Cornelius Fudge, as marched into Director Bones's office.
It has only been a few hours since the whole debacle in the Ministry's atrium. She really only just sat down in her office a few moments ago and now she's already having to deal with the Minister.
"I'm not holding Lord Malfoy anywhere Minister. Who gave you that information?" Two can play that game.
"I was informed that he was arrested and taken in for holding. So I want him released this instant." How dare this woman defy him. He's the Minister of Magic.
"As I stated Minister. I'm not holding Lord Malfoy anywhere. He's not in this Departments custody." That stun locked the oaf for a minute there.
"What do you mean that he's not in your Department. Where else would he be?"
"He was arrested by an International Hit Wizard and subsequently was taken by said Hit Wizard to wherever to be held."
"A Hit Wizard? Here? In Britain? Are you sure?"
I nodded to him. There haven't been any active Hit-Wizards in Britain since the Dark Lords first came to power. He hunted them down first.
"Then we shall call an ICW meeting to rescue Lucius." He turns and leaves ranting and raving about the ICW.
'Rolling my eyes.' He just doesn't understand what little power Britain has in the ICW. Lucius is as good as theirs. 'Sighs' more of a headache for me now.

("Whom of this council knows anything of this Hit-Wizard?"
He looked around and saw a lot of head shakes. It seemed no one was claiming this Hit-Wizard till he saw a hand in the law enforcement section.
"Step forward and state your name to the council."
"Director Smith of MI7. I know of the event in question and the Hit-Wizard."
Director Bones that was sitting with the British delegation spoke up,
"MI7, as in British Magical Special Operations?"
"Yes, ma'am. We haven't been active on home soul in a few years but we still are active.")

MI7, interesting. As far as I knew that division was extinct. The Dark Lord claimed to eradicate them. A new front in this country has opened.

("Whom is the Hit-Wizard? Is he one of yours?"
"No, he's currently a free agent. Tho I'd love to have someone of his caliber in my department."
The Head spoke,
"Free agent? Who became a free agent lately?"
A grunt was heard from the American delegation followed but a gruff reply,
"A former agent of ours is no longer with us as of a week ago."
An elegant woman from the Russian delegation spoke up,
"Who did you let go? Anyone of note."
The American sighed and quietly stated,
There was an uneasy feeling that filled the chambers.)

'Hmm' He seems to carry weight if you were to go by everyone's reactions. And if he's a free agent maybe I could ask him to join my Department. He was certainly good with magic. He shielded me from the Killing Curse.

After returning from the ICW meeting with a few answers but many more questions. But for one thing, I need to thank him for saving my life.

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