If you don't know him, let me explain.
He's 40, he's harassing a minor I will not put there name just in case that dranger sees this.
But there's multiple hate cults/ accs dranger78hater
Dranger78sukcsFirst of all, Dranger, why are you 40 and still like bakugan or whatever it's called. And why are you on wattpad?! Is attacking minors your only goal on here?! What the fuck?! Almost everyone on wattpad knows you not for a good reason. If you are so fucking annoying to the fact there are so much hate accs about you, GET THE FUCK OFF THE FUCKING WEB. All the fucking do is talk about your stupid motherfucking beyblade or smth and cry?! WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT YOU?! WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR DEPRESSION?! OH MY FUCKING GOD..