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They won't stop.

The thoughts that gnaw at me

They kill me choke me drown me.

I fade out to your words as the memories come tumbling back.

They suffocate me scratch me grip me.

I try to wriggle free.

But what's a stone against an entire river.

A fly against a swarm of bees

A bird against the metal rods that

Bind her stop her hurt her.

So I succumb to them.

Let them grasp me scar me engulf me.

And when they leave, I heal.

Then they return.

Again and again and again a vicious cycle...

Until you.

You make them go.

Beat them slash them scare them.

Release me free me restore me.

With your heart  and your jokes and your words.

You taught me I hadn't been looking at the world right.

So for giving me the best view,

Thank you.


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