Who are you 🖤

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تٌـعٌريِّفُـ أّلَشُـخِـصّـيِّأّتٌـ
بًأّرکْ تٌـشُـأّيِّوٌنِغُ:(أّلَبًطِلَةّ) أّلَمًسِـمًأّتٌـ بً روٌﺰيِّ أّوٌ Red Rose ..فُـمًأّهّـيِّ حًکْأّيِّتٌـهّـأّ وٌمًنِ هّـيِّ کْل

هّـذأّ سِـوٌفُـ تٌـتٌـعٌرفُـوٌنِ عٌلَيِّهّـ فُـيِّ أّلَروٌأّيِّةّ

I'm just an independent and strong girl, why all this barking?
(أّنِأّ فُـقُطِ فُـتٌـأّةّ مًسِـتٌـقُلَةّ وٌقُوٌيِّةّ لَمًأّ کْلَ هّـذأّ أّلَنِبًأّحً)

وُمَا ذنْبَ الحُبَ ، عنِدمَا يِقَع بيِنَ إمِرأةَ عنَيِدةَ وُرجَلُ ذوُ كِبْرِيَاء

What is the fault of love when it falls between a stubborn woman and a proud man?

Why are you angry? Ha, oh, I understand. You only love the weak girl who does not defend her rights. You killed my mother because she was defending herself, so God will test you with something greater than her.

(لماذا انتم غاضبون هاااا اه لقد فهمت انتم تحبون فقط الفتاة الضعيفة التي لاتدافع عن حقها لقد قتلتم امي لانها دافعة عن نفسهافبتلاكم الله باعظم منها 🫦🫀💋)

عًجبًأأ لـ قلَوبٍ لاتَزألَ تنبَض عععَشقَ لمنَ جًرحًوهأأَ♡

Wow? For hearts that still beat, my love for those who hurt them

Wow? For hearts that still beat, my love for those who hurt them

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الجمال 💖

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