Get to know the author/me

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Hey yall! Today you get to know about me about what I write, and what I dont write, what I don't share, or what I share! Also some things yall need to know.


2: I mostly only love to write kotlc

3: I like Sophitz stories bc I feel like cringing or bc I'm just bored.

4: I ONLY WRITE SOKEEFE! (Sometimes Sophitz if I'm bored)

5: I like to write cringe stories or sum 🤪

6: I do not like/love to reveal what I look like, only describe

7: I do not tell where I live, or my age!

8: I don't rlly like to tell ppl what new fanfic I create *shrugs* they'll probs end up using my ideas! But I do like to share ideas (SOMETIMES)

9: I'm quiet irl, not in the mood making friends.

10: I'm not positive like my family...I'm negative 🥰😍😘

11: I love turtles and Alicorns 😍

12: I love anime, drawing, writing stories, posting stuff, playing videos games, kawaii, annnnnnnnnnnd cats!

13: If I offend yall in one of y'all's fanfic(s) I'm sorry, feel free to delete the comment!

14: I get offended easily!

15: I like to joke around

16: I love to write action fanfics (not rlly into romance)

17: I love to say shit and fuck :)

18: I love commenting on stories

19: I'm emo :)

That's it for now! Cyaa!

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