chapter 3

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Daphnea went to school the next day, kids snickered and insulted her behind her back, but she was already used to their antics, she kept her head down as she walked down the corridor to her locker, she opened it and she found a gold necklace sitting there, she picked it up and looked at it, and when she did, Vanessa, her bully was rambling her eyes out "has anyone seen my golden necklace, daddy just got it for me today and it's gone, I've been looking for it everywhere and I can't find it, Daphnea got her things and closed her locker, she pulled out the necklace in her locker and threw it at her and folded her arms "found your 'missing necklace', vanny" she said in quote, "next time you want to frame me, let me actually be in a 5 feet radius of you or actually like it", then she stormed off leaving Vanessa embarrassed.

It was a long and hectic day for Daphnea, she had a wack ton of homework that she had to carry by hand because 'someone' cut a heart shaped hole in her backpack causing her lunch to fall out and scatter all over the floor, leaving her hungry for the day, gosh was she mad but what could she say, the whole school was against her, even the teachers and she swore the reason that miss Hamilton gave her detention today was because  she smiled, the only class she enjoys now was dance class, because the teacher was a holy woman and just wanted to help out the students of the school, she already had a dance company and earning millions so this was just a hobby for her, and Daphnea was the best at it, usually the teachers grade you for how much you fund the school and not by how hard you work but the dance teacher showered her with attention and love anytime she did what the other students couldn't do and she had kids her age in their class too so she made friends with them easily, and she was all that Daphnea could think about, how nice of a woman she was to her own kids in her class that her Mom could be to her a minute. When Daphnea arrived home, she was welcomed with a half emptied bottle of cheap booze which broke on impact, 'good thing my bag ripped today, thank you books knowledge really does help in different ways', she thought to herself, "I give you thirty seconds to get dressed, we have clients waiting", were the words of her mother being screamed from the kitchen " she set the books down on the table and went into the kitchen seeing her mother all dressed up, "what, clients, but I'm not even employed, I have no qualification documents for that", she said confused at her mother's words, "your working as a maid, you can't be in this house without earning me some money to pay for your rent", her mother said, applying a layer of lip gloss over her lip stick, "rent!?, but I'm just a kid, and I have a lot of homework due tomorrow", she complained, but her words fell on deaf ears, "hurry up and stop yapping, they're coming to pick you up any minute, wake your father up, we can't have him sputtering nonsense when they arrive", daisy felt he face get hot, she felt hot tears threatening to stream down her face, but she ran upstairs to her room, it only consisted of a wardrobe with clothes she was only allowed to wear at special occasions, which hardly ever happened, a big and relatively thick piece of wood as a bed and a pillow with several stains on it, a box filled with torn or worn out clothes, she's good at sewing so she usually patches them up pretty nicely and her old sewing machine her grandmother had left her as a gift on her 12th birthday, looking at it made her smile and remember when she was still alive, all the sewing lessons she had given her, she thanked her lucky stars for those days, if she had waited any longer to learn, she would be wearing torn clothes everyday and she could only imagine all the new and different kinds of insults that would've been hurled at her in school and in her neighbourhood, she went to the bathroom and took a quick but through shower, she picked out a navy blue dress with black flowers that formed a sash on the dress, it was 2 to 3 sizes too short and small but it was the closest to her size, she cut off the smaller flowers, leaving the biggest at the chest area there, it didn't destroy the dress and she was glad, she put the flowers in her material box, packed with different items for clothe decorating, she put on the dress, it reached her laps and exposed the upper parts of her breasts but otherwise, a perfect fit, she pulled out a box of shoes from the back of the wardrobe, (also filled with with shoes she can only wear on special occasions, she took out a pair of black heels and put them on, she had 'borrowed', make-up, hair accessories and cologne from her stepmom over the years and applied just enough to cover up her previous scars

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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