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Today is Friday.  The last day before the weekend. 

I get up from my bed to see that my cat Mr. Puffles waits at my door for his daily greeting.  Mr. Puffles and I have the best relationship out of all my friends.  Mr. Puffles has been with me since I was four and I can't bear losing him. 

Next week is my birthday.  The day I am not looking forward to.  Think I am weird? Well try having a fourteenth birthday while being kissed and hugged all day by your family. 

I live with my mom and brother.  My parents are divorced and I see my father once every two weeks. 

I brush my teeth, put on clothes, and meet downstairs for breakfast. There I find my brother Matthew and Mom eating food. 

"Come on Sean! You have five minutes to eat before the bus arrives. " says Mom

"Gee. Good morning Mom." I reply

I look to see that she does not like my attitude, but I continue my business like nothing happened. I sit next to Matthew and he gives me a strange look like I just woke up from the dead. 

"What are you looking at duvice?" I ask

"You! Freakshow!" He replies

I pour some Frosted Flakes into my cereal bowl and begin munching on food like a gorilla. I am starving.  As soon as I know it the bus is here.

Oh did I mention that this week is the first week of school so I have minimal friends.

I enter the bus to see a variety of teenagers just sitting on the bus waiting to go the top school in the state of North Dakota, Bloomsberg Academy.  I am lucky to be in this school because it only takes in two out of eight students a year. 

I sit next to my friend Charlie. Today he looks nerdy as ever.

"Hey Sean." He says

"Sup, Charlie." I reply

"Oh my god! That makeup under your eyes look flawless!"

"Uh, thanks. I guess."

Did I mention that Charlie is happy?  I am not.  I am also not wearing makeup and I never will.

"So, did you hear what happened at the Back to School party at Melanie's house?" he asks


"So Jacob and Troy went in the bathroom and jumped a kid.  Dude, that kid got beat down! I heard he flirted with Melanie and made a huge mistake. You know, no one messes with Jacob's girls." Charlie says

"Oh. That's interesting. Too bad I was not invited."

"Dude! Don't worry. You'll come out of your shell soon."

We arrive at the school and head to homeroom first.  Mrs. Fleming's advisory is the best.  We have the most popular kids in the grade except for me. None of my friends are in my advisory.  I just sit in the corner and sketch a few things. 

"Hello ladies and gentlemen." Mrs. Flemings says

"Good morning" We say

It is time to start the day.

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