Essay Intro (original form)

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What is a decision? Nothing more than a subtle action that selects a choice based on one's emotions. What is an emotion? A state of thought or rationality biased from one's experiences. What is rationality? A process or series of thought or actions which one excutes to surpass a dilemma. What is a dilemma? An event or condition that one needs to overcome. Who or what is "one"? I refer to one as any form of matter that is subjected to one or more of the prior definitions. This includes any from atomic particles, confronting forces of physics and chemistry, to the ever expanding universe and it's entirety that baffles all man alike. Many will think of this conjecture as radical but I've concluded everything exists with the following theory: All matter in any form, tangable such as a book or nontangable like the stories told in the book, are subject to dilemmas which allows for a certain rational or emotion to form that drives for a decision to be reached and for that matter to exist.

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