Chapter 4

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~the next day~

Clara POV:

"RISE AND SHINE DUMBASS!" Someone screams from the door scaring the absolute shit out of me making me fall out of bed with a thump.

"Bejamin i swear to fucking god if that was you im going to strangle you." i mutter to myself as i get up from the floor. Once im standing i look over at the door, and i see Nic standing there with a smug look on his face.

"Morning princess." Nic says smuggly and i glare daggers at him.

"You better count you motherfucking days Kaufman." i tell him seething.

"Right, because ooooobviously i should be scared of you-." Nic says laughing and rolling his eyes.

"Me? oh no sweetie it's not me you should be afraid of, it's the boy downstairs with the taser that you should be worried about." I inform him, matching his smug look from earlier. Nic quickly heads down the stairs, and when i come out of the room i hear him talking to Benji.

"Whatever Clara says is false, i would never do such a thing and definetley do not need to be punished for it." Nic tells Benji talking so fast, it practically came out as one big word.

"Nic what the fuck are you on dude?" Benji asks him laughing and I walk over to the two of them on the couch.

"The fuck nugget decide to scream at me to wake me up and i ended up falling out of bed due to it, so i told him that im going to get you to get him with the taser again." I fill Benji in, giggling.

"But like, you're my best friend so you totally won't do that right?" Nics asks hopefully. Benji laughs and pulls me in for a side hug.

"Sorry dude, iv'e known her longer, so if she tells me to get you with the taser im gonna have to get you with the taser." Benji tells Nic looking at him and Nic pouts. I stand up and look at him.

"Put the lip back where it goes, you're not five." i tell him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Why can't the two of you get along like Tiffany and Nils?" Benji asks us laughng.

"Speaking of, where are the lovebirds?" i ask the boys and they laugh

"Nils' room, she said she liked his style so now he's showing her his entire fucking wardrobe." Nic says rolling his eyes and making a gagging noise.

"You're just jealous because Nils had a girl fall for him and you didn't." Benji said pinching Nics cheek and Nic grumbled.

"So you guys are telling me you thought that it would be a good idea to allow Nils and Tiffany, who are so very obviously into each other, go to Nils' bedroom unsupervised?" I ask the boys and they both give mean 'oh shit' look.

"I mean, they're probably fine, riiiiight??" Nic inquires sceptically.

"You're probably right they just met each other yesterday there's no way they would move that quickly." Benji agrees and i give him a look.

"Obviously you don't know Tiff well if you think she WON'T screw someone less then 24 hours after meeting them."i say crossing my arms. Benji sighs.

"I was trying to be positive, i know damn well Nils is the same way." Benji says, admitting defeat. I go to the kitchen to fix up some breakfast and i overhear Nic talking to Benji.

"So Benji, you obviously wont date her since she's your best friend and all, so do you think i could ask her out?"Nic asks Benji and i turn to the living room to get a better listen.

"Who? Clara?" Benji asks Nic and Nic nods.

"Bro, not once did i ever say i wouldnt date her. iv'e been into her ince like forever, im just too afraid to tell her cuz i dont want to ruin shit. so no you cant ask her out becuse hopefully during this visit i'll finlly muster up the balls to finally do it myself." He informs Nic. Wow these two are the worst whisperers i've ever seen. I start to go out to go over to the living room and call Nic and Benji out on ther conversation but right at that time, Nils and Tiffany finlly emerge from Nils' room.

"Clara, i have officially changed my mind." Tiffany tells me smiing. I look at her questioningly.

"About what?" I ask her an she leans her head against Nils' arm.

"About going to florida instead of here, i never want to see florida again after this, i want to visit here everytime we go on vacation!" Tiff exclaims and I smile.

"We've really got to get to know each other." Nils tells me wih  big goofy smile on his face.

"Inside and out" i say and both of them turn bright red.

"enough about your adventures in Nils' room, lets eat then figure out what the fuck we're doing today." i say while everyone heads to the kitchen.

Honestly i never originally planned on ever adding more to this book and only posted it for shits and giggles but someone requested i write more so here i am, i'll try my best to finish the story. Also fun fact my nails were too long to type with my keyboard so i typed this whole chapter with pencils as chopsticks to be able to press the keys ;-;

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