Chapter 1: Happy Birthday

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  The sweet smell of Mother's famous waffles filled Karma's nose causing her to wake up from her sleep. She slid off her bed and put her socks on, Making sure to make her bed before heading downstairs. The sweet smell brought her to peace, it was the best smell to wake up to in the mornings. Karma walked into the hallway and made her way to the stairs. She could already hear the Atticus playing with Grace at the table. 

  Mother was checking the waffle maker, preparing cups to pour everyone some orange juice. She looked over her shoulder seeing Karma walking over to her. 

  "Ah, Good morning birthday girl," Mother hummed as she pushed Karma's bangs from In front of her face to kiss her forehead. 

  "Morning, Mother," Karma responded as she fixed her bangs. She started to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes."

  "Sweetheart, why are you calling me Mother? Just call me Mama," She laughed, using that spatula in her hand to flip the eggs that were cooking on the stove, "What are you being so formal for?"

  "But... . ..I always call you Mother-"

  Karma cut herself off to the sound of the front door opening, Father was back from work early. That never happens. He put down his briefcase and closed the door behind him. Atticus ran over to him and hugged his leg. 

  "You're home!" He cheered, Father chuckled and picked him up, walking into the kitchen to join Karma and Mother.

  "Yeah. Decided to take off early to be with the birthday girl." He said as he sat Atticus back down before picking Up Karma and spinning with her, she smiled and couldn't help but laugh. He put her down and kissed her cheek.

  "Happy Birthday, Karma," He ruffled her already messy hair, "How you feeling?"

  "The same as I always do." Karma replied with a slight shrug of her shoulders, "Do I need to feel different?"

  "Well yes, it's your birthday! My girl's growing up."

  "Breakfast is ready!" Mother called as she walked into the dining room. Atticus followed right behind her. Everyone sat at the table. Mother's strawberry waffles along with some eggs and bacon, accompanied by breakfast potatoes. Atticus was sitting next to her while Ivan and Grace were on the other side of the table, already starting to eat. Mother and Father sat at each end of the table, watching their children enjoy breakfast. 

  "How is it?" Mother asked as she ate her eggs, "I made your favorites today."

  "It's good." Karma replied with a mouthful.

  "Swallow first, idiot, You'll end up choking. And if that happens, I can't promise I won't laugh." Ivan spoke, waving his fork around as he talked. 

  "Hey now, It's Karma's special day. behave." Father warned, sipping his orange juice. Karma sat up in her chair. Seeing her family together for breakfast made her tingle inside. She couldn't help but smile; it's what anyone would've wanted on their birthday after all. 

  The table was filled with laughter and chatter as breakfast went on. Everyone was full and migrated to the living room; watching a movie together. They all then went to the park, Karma's favorite park where she could see the Deer nearby. She walked with Father as he held her hand. Mother was carrying Grace, while Ivan and Atticus walked ahead. They walked for what felt like hours taking breaks near benches when needed. 

  The whole day was filled with calmness. Karma smiled brighter than ever. They all soon went to the theater to watch a live performance of Karma's favorite ballet show, Silent Skyfall. The dancers were amazing on stage, capturing every moment with such precision. 

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