O1 ‒ Meeting

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SITTING in the furthest seat away from his target, Jisung fiddled with the pen in his hand

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SITTING in the furthest seat away from his target, Jisung fiddled with the pen in his hand. He watched the girl who sat by herself four seats below him, looking at the board and back at her laptop. 

She typed hastily, trying to squeeze all the content from the PowerPoint presentation onto her document, making sure there were no spelling errors.

Jisung wore a cap, attempting to hide most of his face and his usual casual outfit: jeans, a simple shirt and a bomber jacket. 

His slowly growing fringe stuck to his forehead, tickling his skin. The strands poked into his eyes, feeling like stray hay jabbing his eyeball. 

He tried not to act like someone who was constantly staring at her. The class came to a point where everyone had to get into groups. 

Watching the girl, her wavy curls bouncing as she moved, swaying as she looked over her shoulder- she looked behind her. Jisung quickly avoided her, looking at his laptop that Renjun graciously bought for him. 

Jisung looked back up and sighed in relief, seeing the girl look anywhere but him. Just by her shoulders, he could see she was timid. 

Her fingers fiddling with her bracelet made Jisung wonder how nervous she was. He didn't particularly care for her but, he was intrigued.

It wasn't every day that a mafia member was tasked to protect someone. People got into their groups and Jisung noticed that no one wanted to group with her.

She would smile at them, yet they ignored her and stayed in their little groups. The teacher didn't pay too much attention, slowly moving on to finishing the lecture. 

Jisung sighed, is this what it will be like every class? It was a little boring.

He punched in random letters on his laptop, looking busy until the class ended. Everyone walked out, and Jisung acted like he was slowly packing up his things. 

The girl packed her stuff and as she walked out the door, Jisung discretely followed her. He dragged his steps, sometimes walking behind other people, blending with the crowd to go unnoticed. 

The girl hadn't picked up on his presence yet, making her way to her next class. Trying to keep a somewhat close distance from her, Jisung fastened his walking pace and then that's when she turned. 

Jisung immediately tried to look unsuspicious, talking to someone... or something.

Nari looked behind her, finding people walking and a guy around her age talking to a... plant? She raised an eyebrow, confused as hell but walked away. 

Making her way to the next building, she could feel someone's eyes burning into her. Staring at her.

Following her.

She shivered at the thought, looking back once again. Her abrupt turn made her bump her head into someone's chest. 

Looking up, she found the same boy- his build towering over. Even though Jisung had attempted to cover his eyes, Nari looked at him- staring straight into his eyes, her height allowing her to have immediate eye contact with him.

"Are you following me?" Nari asked softly.

Jisung looked at her surprisingly. "What? No."

He stuttered over his words and his eyes wandered everywhere but hers. Nari crossed her arms, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a class here," Jisung mumbled.

Nari looked at him questioningly but he raised his arms in defeat, "Audio class."

"Okay." She said and sighed, walking up the stairs.

Jisung could feel she was a little intimidating, her silence coming off as a bit judgemental. She stopped in the middle of the stairs and Jisung looked at her confusingly, reaching the stair she was on.

"I'm Nari, what's your name?" Nari asked as she continued to walk beside him.

"Jisung." He muttered, his nerves getting the best of him.

"Nice to meet you," Nari said.

THEIR class went through quickly and Nari exited the class with Jisung following behind.

"Do you have another class?" Nari asked.

Jisung panicked a little but then remembered Nari's schedule. Yes- he had to remember her whole schedule. It was a pain but he got there at the end.

"No, I don't. What about you?" Jisung asked.

"Same, I don't," Nari replied.

Jisung followed wherever Nari was going. Their first day wasn't too bad. 

He didn't find anyone suspicious, and he had fun in the audio class and most importantly, Nari didn't suspect her. Nari made her way to the car park where her driver waited for her.

There was one thing she wanted to test out.

"Which way are you headed?" She asked, stopping in the middle of a four-way pathway.

Jisung looked at Nari, puzzled at what to say. Which way was she going?

He quickly thought of all the routes, remembering he had looked at the blueprints to make sure he knew the place in and out. He knew there was only one bay that Nari's driver took so, he pointed towards the right.

Nari nodded her head, "Wow, we're going the same way."

'So he works for my grandpa.' Nari thought as they walked down the left hallway.

She had met so many people who were hired as bodyguards yet, Jisung was one of them that felt so different. Was it the fact he was fidgeting half the time that didn't make it seem like it?

Or the fact he didn't greet her full-on, scaring everyone away from her like she was a delicate glass flower. She felt annoyed that her grandpa had hired another bodyguard but, she was happy that Jisung didn't seem too possessive.

They walked through the hallway and once she made it to the car park, Jisung stopped a few metres away. It surprised Nari, looking back at him.

She looked at him questioningly and Jisung pointed towards the pathway on the left.

"Ah, my car is that way. I'll see you tomorrow?" Jisung muttered.

Nari looked at the pathway and back at him, confused now. Did he actually have to go this way?

Was she being too presumptuous?

"Oh, yeah... I'll see you tomorrow," Nari said, waving goodbye.

Jisung walked away and Nari watched him, his silhouette disappearing as he walked further. 'He's pretty cute.' She thought, grabbing the car door handle.

Nari shivered at her own mind, shaking her head as she sat in her seat.

"What the hell?" She muttered under her breath.

"What the hell?" She muttered under her breath

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ah yes... ash back with rewriting her beginnings 😃

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