"We must always stand for the rights of others, even if we think those others are very different from us." - Hillary Clinton
The man who was in his wedding suit rushed in his car and drove fast
Completely ignoring the shout of his name by the peopl...
"WHAT,.... How" asked taehyung with horror filled eyes
"I too dont know, I was also shocked as fuck that time but"..
~~flashback~~ "Im not interested in u neither in this marriage and also i already have someone" said the ceo of jeon company
" well I know and Im also not interested in u nor in this marriage " said jeon jennie the wife of the said ceo
" wh- what"
" And also i already have someone " Jennie said ignoring the ceo shocked face ...
"So ur saying that ur also forced to this marriage?" Jungkook asked breaking the dead silent
" nope, my dad asked about marrying u and i said yes "
"What, now only u said ur not interest-"
"Thats right now also im not interested to talk to u but my love told to talk to u.. so only im doing this dont get me wrong and think im in love with u" jennie said cutting the ceo with a eye roll
" huh.. Ur love said to talk to me?"
" mm yeah"
" why, u can go and marry ur love right!.? Then why u accepted to marry me?"
" Thats right but my love was already married " jennie making jungkook gasp...
" wtf how can u let ur loved one get married to another women" said the frustrated man
"Just like how u let ur loved one to get married "
"Wh-WHAT, how u know"
" also my love got married to a man not a woman " jennie stated
" what are u in love with a GAY," jungkook said in pure disbelieve
" WTF JUNGKOOK " jennie shouted in frustrate
" what u only said right that ur love is married to a man then he must be a gay right?"
" first of all my love is SHE NOT HE, and second of all she is not a gay rather a lesbian and third of all she is married to ur husband KIM TAEHYUNG " jennie said in one breath
" huh what can u repeat that " dumbfounded jungkook said
Instead of repeating that said para jennie just showed a pic
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" that is my baby " jungkook stated the truth after seeing the pic for a minute
" that's right and the girl next to him is my love , lisa." jennie said and kept her phone inside
" so ur saying that my baby and ur love got married to eo"
" mm yeah and my love was the one who gave the idea to accept the proposal given by ur father and create a peaceful live between us. So we can both live with each others love without any drama "
" then ur not any kind of obsessed drama wife? "
" uh why should i be like that and also why should i be ur wife at first place, for ur kind information i dont like dicks " jennie stated with disgust face
"Ok then finally i will be happy with my baby- - hey wait does taehyung know about it? "
" nope"
" why u should have told him or ur love should have told about ur relationship, he was reallyy tensed about this "
" taehyung never talked with Lisa in person after they get out of their wedding dice"
" uh that means he never talked with lisa for 1 and half years"
" mm yeah lisa also tried to talk to him but she give up because she couldn't able see him in person. Even when taehyung come to their house he will stay in his room itseems. So only i doing this now. So what u say? Do u want to join and live with ur baby or-
"Ofcourse I want to. Even though we are living with eo like a couple. We both still have a fear that our love will be ruined because of our so called marriage. So im ready to risk all for my baby"
" same goes for me, and one more thing taehyung parents are abusive towards taehyung and they are demanding him to give a heir and i guess u don't know about it but lisa have saw how abusive taehyung parents are towards their son. So we have to be carefull and take care of taehyung well "
" wh- wha-t, hhe never sa-said this tto mee" jungkook stuttered
He had no idea about what taehyung had gone through. Yeah he know that his parents are abusive and beat him but taehyung said that his parents changed and never beated him after marriage. Jungkook shouldn't have believed that.
" He just doesn't want u to make worry i guess. So dont u dare to split that u know about this but please do take care of him and try to less the abusive he is getting. And jungkook this is the main reason why i accepted to marry u, lisa was so worried about taehyung. She think taehyung as her brother "
" thank you- thank you so much. I will make sure that taehyung doesn't have to suffer more and can we discuss further tomorrow cause i want see him now " jungkook said as he truly want to hug taehyung and kiss to him death
"Ok then i will go get my girl bye"jennie said in understanding
~End of flashback ~
Taehyung gasped hearing whole flashback ( well jungkook didn't tell about the abusive that taehyung had gone through. )
" so ur saying the our wives love eo " taehyung asked still not getting what's he is hearing.