I. I

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There were flowers and greens everywhere, the woven tapestry curtains hung over the front room window looking out at the street draped  over by vines of green and red leaves of the many climbing plants surrounding the entire room. fountains build into the wall, and seeping out into the fish pond planted inside the floor, shiny scaled fish scattering around through the waterlogged brush, the water kept clean and clear from the very high maintenance of it all, the room itself was more of a bohemian interior, muted, earthy and rusty tones with green and purple accents, and it smelled of coconut and mahogany all around the small, roadside homestead.

"Nana, go Fish"

"You go fish"

"Kishi that's not how it works..."

"Not how it works my ass!"

They all sat, or laid around the low table, Lara, the elderly elven woman sat beside the lower bull bodied, elderly she-centaur, looked over to Kishi, her wife of thirty years, then too Hiri, who was fiddling with her hair as she waited for her grandmothers to sort out the squabble, Knowing damn well that she would eventually make things fifty times worse than they already, knowing her smart ass. she groaned, slouching forward and hitting her head onto the table with a small 'thump' and just leaving it there.  

"Posture, Hiri" Kishi spat, successfully luring a yelp and jump from the girl, quickly lifting up her head and sitting up straight with an ever so slightly shocked expression. She looked around, her brown hues jumping from either woman to the other in rapid succession, as she was trying to see which one of them had spoken. She shook her head, as if to clear her conscience, picking up her fan of cards once more, promptly going back to slouching.

"Alright I'm next" Hiri declared, tapping the stiff, newly unboxed cards in her hand onto the table to get the attention of both elderly women and haphazardly laying out her two new pairs, having three cards left in her hand.                                                                                                                                   "Gran, you're next" she hummed, turning to the Elven woman, Lara, who nodded and began drawing a few cards from the once neat now shrunken and collapsed deck of cards. Hiri didn't watch the next play, but her eyes were locked down on the Dwarven Raptor, this age's version of a house cat, staring at it as it blinks one eye after the other,its pupils swerved too either side opposite of each other, no thoughts, only blep, the tip of its tongue poking out of its scaled lips. It wasn't long until she was jolted from her daydreams, by a smack to the back of the head, feeling her golden nose ring bump against her upper lip as her head jolted forward at the hard and fast contact of her Grandmother Kishi's large hand against her cranium.

"Wakey Wakey, kiddo, and stop staring at Terence, your scaring him" Kishi grunted, flicking Hiri's forehead a few times in succession. 
"How the hell can I scare him? he's looking in two different fucking directions!" she hollered, dramatically holding both arms out and gesturing to the derpy Raptor-cat who promptly toppled over onto his side right on cue. the room went silent for a few moments, until loud, cackling laughter rang out, Lara laughing softly, as she would with such a meek voice.




Until there was a crash.

On the TV, thank the gods....

Or don't

There were screams of horror coming from the ratty, bass speakers buried inside the box television, flaming visuals on the screen. Hiri jolted up from her seat, standing crouched on the tips of her hooves, staring at her television, her grandmother Kishi, and her wife following suit, staring moon-eyed at the havoc and destructruction displayed on the television, live on air. There was blood splattered across the camera lens, bodies left on the floor, chunks torn from their charring skin, the blood boiling beneath the green flames engulfing the newsroom, cauterizing the massive gashes as the still, barely living men and women on the floor, laid there, wide eyed, feeling their bodies being consumed by the green, burning lights.

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