Full name: Hailey Rose Woodlynn
Friends: Hails
Family: Girlie-cue
Best friend: Lee
Dæmon: Hailey
Preferred name: Hailey or lover's nickname
Age: 13
Gender: girl
Sexuality: Pan (lol)
Height: small-ish
Nationality: Canadian and British
Date of birth: 15th of MarchDÆMON:
Full name: Synnylle
Nickname: Synn
Gender: boy
Form: can still change form between animals. Will soon have a permanent form;
>Sand catTheir personality: generally outgoing, very creative, somewhat extroverted, athletic, cute, smart, kinda innocent, humorous, gentle, nice to nice people; mean to mean people.
Dæmon's intuition is right 99% of the time, his mood changes rapidly and he sometimes can have an agressive behavior.Aesthetic: soft and simple
>Medium lengthed ginger hair
>Light hazel eyes with flecks of auburn
>4'11" (149.86cm) and facial freckles
>Small-ish body typeLikes: skateboarding, reading, going around taking pictures
Dislikes: coffee, goth stuff
Weaknesses: overconfident
Fears: bike riding, fire in general (if it's not contained like a lamppost)
OCs I created
RandomDifferent OCs that I made when I was bored or I just wanted to make some