Chapter 5

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Lily awoke, her breath was heavy. Lily had the same dream, Variation. That's what she mainly remembered from that night, that thing had a name and it was running at her. Lily tried to stay in the dream but it seems like she was forced to wake up whenever Variation ran at her. Lily brought her head up from her desk, she forgot she fell asleep at her desk. Lily sat at her desk when she remembered what else happened last night. Lily opened her desk drawer, the questions she had were still there so it wasn't a dream...or maybe she was seeing something? But you don't hear voices when you see something. The chirps could've been the crickets...but her aunt was there and the porch light came on so it has to be real. Lily looked around her room, everything was the same but her window was open and her phone was on the floor, small cracks nothing too bad. Lily opened her phone and looked at what everyone said to her text.

💅🏼✨Gang gang✨💅🏼


Skipp sckoool tmrw, need to talkk, know smth

Read 1:23 am

Her text was left on read, Lily shrugged it off thinking that it was late. When she sent her text it was around 12...or 1? Lily couldn't remember but at least her friends saw the text...but if they saw it they would always was strange Lily would ask them about it when she got to school. Lily got dressed and walked downstairs. Her aunt left some food on the table but Aunt Betty wasn't in sight. "Auntie?" Lily called. No reply. "Holly?" Lily called her sister's name. Minutes passed and Lily heard the water turn off, Holly was in the where was Aunt Betty? "I'm going to school!" Lily yelled. "OKAY?!" Holly yelled. "Have you seen Auntie?!" Lily yelled, approaching the stairs. "I heard her moving around last night! But she was probably waiting for Charles to get back!" Holly yelled. Lily grabbed her bag and walked out the door. Lily was monitoring her phone constantly waiting for someone to reply but her text only stayed on read. Lily arrived at the bus stop but Ryan wasn't there...maybe he was sick?

💅🏼✨Gang gang✨💅🏼


Skipp sckoool tmrw, need to talkk, know smth


Ryan, are you sick?

Read 6:42 am

Lily sent the text, it immediately went to read. They all had their phones on them, so why weren't they texting back? Lily saw the bus pull up and Ryan was on it already? Well he did live closer but they always met up at this bus stop so they could talk but if he wanted to get onto the bus before her then its fine...Lily got onto the bus but Ryan was already talking to...Sherrie?! Sherrie's parents hated the school's transport so they always drove her to school, why was Sherrie taking the bus? But it didn't matter, if Sherrie was going to take the bus then that's fine. "Hey, guys." Lily said, walking closer to Ryan and Sherrie's row. "Hello, Lily!" Sherrie replied, she gave Lily a little wave. "Hi, Lily." Ryan said, he was typing something. "Taking the less cool transport now?" Lily asked. "Only for today." Sherie said."Why haven't you guys been replying to my text?" Lily said. "I looked at your text but I've found something...very interesting..." Ryan said, typing and scanning the computer screen. "My phone is dead, sorry for the concern Lily." Sherrie said. Lily sat at the edge of the seat. "You guys do know we're going to skip, right?" Lily asked. "I'm sorry Lily, my parents will kill me if I skip, though Ryan might change my records to be present." Sherrie said. Ryan shrugged and he continued to type. "So, Ryan...What did you find out?" Lily asked. "I'll tell you when we're in an area that is not infested by immature kids." Ryan said. The bus ride to school was honestly longer than Lily remembers but they got to school, at least. Lily went straight for the hideout, the one in the abandoned classroom. Sherrie was getting Olivia, Ryan was dragging Alec, and they would be able to discuss everything. Lily walked into the room and sat down in one of the many bean bags. A hour pass second period had already started and her friends weren't in sight. Lily sent a text, but it wasn't left on read, just delivered. Lily waited a few minutes before going to search for her friends. Lily checked every hallway, bathroom, secret place that they know, even going as far to slip into a PE class and she saw something...Orange and white? Lily walked towards the creature, it was quite far. Lily started to get a better view of that thing, it was a robot from what she could tell it's color scheme was mainly white with Orange. They Were tied and on the forest floor, conscious and trying to yell but failed since there was rope in their mouths. The robot seemed to be talking to someone and it was clear English. "This is 0-20AW, I have the hostages but the target is nowhere in sight." The robot whose designation is 0-20AW said its voice was monotone but male like. "I assure you my core is not overheating yet, it is stable...I appreciate the concern." 0-20AW said. "I need a transport, I will find her eventually. She will know when she notices these friends of hers are missing." 0-20AW said. "What do you mean I must stay on this rock until the target shows up?!" 0-20AW started to talk when a loud yell but muffled was coming from his call? "I-Yes sir, I understand." 0-20AW said. 0-20AW looked around giving Lily a better view of his face, no eyes but a visor that glowed a soft blue no mouth or at least it was being shielded by a silver piece of metal, orange and white still on his face. 0-20AW looked at his captives, Sherrie managed to get the rope out of her mouth. "What are you going to do to us?" Sherrie asked, 0-20AW just stared at her. "She's in the perimeter, transport needed." 0-20AW said. Lily hid behind a tree, she turned to start running but as soon as she did she felt nauseous and slammed into a metal wall. A sort of sanitizer sprayed the room. 0-20AW dragged Ryan, Alec, Olivia, and Sherrie by the ropes and dragged Lily over his shoulder. When they were walking they came to a halt and they were all dropped onto the cold metal floor. "My liege, I have found the targets and suspects." 0-20AW kneeled. "You brought the suspects?! With the target?! 20 Do you know what you are doing?! Why do I bother sending you out on the field when you can't follow simple instructions?!" A silhouetted figure said. "I apologize my liege but I wasn't given specific instructions, I was simply told to gather suspects and the target..." 20 said. "I'll figure out what to do with you later, I have something better to waste my time on." 20 nodded and walked out of the room. The silhouetted figure walked towards the friends. Lily stood, not knowing what else to do, she'd have to come back for her friends but Lily ran...through every door that would open, until she hit something or rather someone...

Authors notes: uh sorry for the short chapter, I might(most probably will) update and tween in this chapter cause it's short but for now this is what I got :) like and follow if you want, and this chapter is probably going to be what I'm working on for a few days so, have a good day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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