leader: Maplestar: Small dark brown, black and orange tortiseshell she-cat
deputy: Thunderblaze: Brown tom with 3 white paws and amber eyes
medicine cat: Newtfern: tortiseshell tom with white specks and green eyes - apprentice: Webpaw
warriors: (toms and she-cats without kits)
Birchheart: pale yellow she-cat
Chestnutclaw: gray tom with unusually light brown claws - apprentice: Rabbitpaw
Foxtail: orange tom with a big and fluffy tail - apprentice: Midnightpaw
Saltflower: white she-cat - apprentice: Lilypaw
Oliveheart: greenish she-cat - apprentice:Orangepaw
Cashewfur: dark yellow tom - apprentice: Wolfpaw
Stonestripe: grey tabby tom
Troutclaw: brownish-gray tom - apprendice: Frogpaw
apprentices: (over six moons old, in training to become warriors)
Rabbitpaw: white she cat
Cowpaw: black and white tortoiseshell tom
Orangepaw: ginger and brown tom
Lilypaw: pale yellow she-cat
Wolfpaw: grey tom with white belly and paws
Webpaw: white tom with brown underbelly
Queens: (she-cats especting or nursing kits)
Swanlake: white she-cat (mother of Frogpaw, Rainkit and Hazelkit)
Frostfang: silver tabby she-cat
Elders: (former warriors and queens, now retired)
Hawkpool: tawny black and golden tom
Mossfur: light brown she-cat
leader: featherstar: big silver tabby tom with sun yellow eyes
deputy: sparrowshade: black she-cat with blue eyes
medicine cat: foglight: small, white and yellow tabby she-cat
warriors: (toms, and she-cats without kits)
Moonstream: pure white she-cat
Sparkfur: ginger tom with dark brown eyes
Snowfall: big white tom
Reedflame: calico tom
Iceeye: white bengal she-cat