Chapter 2

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So happy this new chapter is a little bit longer than before and more exciting too. And thanks to Flashbolt for the Phoenix Miraculous idea.


After that strange little encounter, Brooklyn continued on his explorations by himself. He didn't want to quite go home yet, and managed to find solitude in an old warehouse, pulling out the box with the Japanese carvings all over it.

Brooklyn munched on some food he had packed before while staring, wondering what was so important about that hairpin in this thing. And who was even that old man?

"Nobody ever really gives me any presents, except for my clan. This is just too weird for me. And I never bothered putting up my hair either. But... I suppose this is an opportunity to try out something new, I guess." Brooklyn muttered under his breath, reluctantly opening the box. But his life was about to change forever just from doing that.

There was a sudden blinding red orange flash that didn't happen before, Brooklyn yelping out in surprise, dropping the bag that had his food and scurried away from it, shaking in disbelief, thinking the old man must've put in some kind of delayed magic.

When the glow died down; what appeared before him was the weirdest creature Brooklyn ever seen. It was a little bird looking bug whose eyes were closed for a second before opening them. Then she smiled at Brooklyn.

"Hello!" She greeted, waving her little wing. Brooklyn's eyes glowed and he threw a rock, making her duck. "Get back! Whatever you are!" He screeched, not in the mood for these kinds of games.

The bird bug quickly zipped around his assaults, trying to calm her new master down. "No, wait, please. I won't hurt you!"

Brooklyn scrambled up the wall, trying to stay far away as possible. "That's what they always say. Trying to catch me alone from my clan then zapping me!"

Not sure what to do with the scared gargoyle the Kwami at least tried again to talk calmly to him. "I know this is rather weird to many newcomers I've met, but I am a friend Brooklyn."

The young male blinked, startled this little thing knew his name. "B- how...?" He asked before being interrupted. The Kwami smiled. "We Kwamis are able to know almost everything about our new owners as soon as we are handed to them. And you are the first owner to not be a human for me."

All of this was still too much for Brooklyn to take in but he calmed down a little, caping his wings now seeing that this creature wouldn't do anything. Eyeing the bug bird in suspicion, he wound up asking quite a lot of questions. "Just... what are you? And what is a K...wami?"

Giggling, she began to explain her story as well as every other Kwami's. "I am a Phoenix Miraculous, mostly called a Kwami. We grant our users special powers through items like that hair pin. The Phoenix Miraculous gives its user the power of the Phoenix flame that can heal one's stamina or be used as a weapon against enemies. Even though I am not as powerful as the Ladybug Miraculous I come in second to her."

Brooklyn was by now sitting down, listening but still confused. Just from opening this box he was now a superhero? This was really confusing and he backed away again. "Listen, uh..."

"Blaaze." The Kwami introduced, flying around in a circle. Brooklyn nodded in greeting. "Blaaze. I'm already an action hero of sorts at night. And humans exactly don't quite appreciate us yet. They might freak out at a super charged one that can shoot flames." He argued, hoping Blaaze can see his side.

Blaaze flew closer, Brooklyn flinching but not screaming now. "We know of your kind struggling to earn acceptance among the humans. Which is why I want to help you earn that." She said gently, using one of her little hand wings to lift up Brooklyn's beak.

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