What the actual hell uli

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                                 Chloe's POV
As I read all the letters from red, I start to cry. I miss her so much, she seems so worried about me. I don't wanna worry her, does she know I'm safe?? I'm so scared. I start to sob quietly. I heard knocking at the door again. "What do you want this time uli." "Pssst it's not uli, it's red!". My face lit up in surprise and shock. I heard the doorknob rattle and the door opened slowly so it wouldn't make any sound. I rushed up and hugged red tight. God I missed her so much. "Are you okay princess?" Red asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Watch out tho, uli could be anywhere in here." I told her softly. She picked me up and tip-toed to the window and told me to go out first. "Are you sure?? I don't want uli to be here and do something to you." I asked, gazing into her eyes. "I'll be right behind you. I promise, princess.". I climbed out of the window slowly and quietly, just to find red right behind me. "Thank god something didn't happen to you." I said softly. "Chloe, I was inside alone for like 20 seconds, what could've happened she ran out of the corner and ran half a mile in 10 seconds? I don't think so princess." Red told me with a sly grin on her face.
Once we got back to the dorms, I laid down on her bed and fell asleep. Thank god we're both okay.

                                     Reds POV
I decided to follow Uliana back to the tower. I had never seen this around her at all, I wonder where it came from. All I heard was her and Chloe arguing then something falling on the ground. I'm assuming it was the letters. Once uli left, I heard Chloe sobbing. I knew it was time to step in. I crept into the tower and found a room with a severely dented door. I knocked on it to see if she was in there. "What do you want this time uli?" She asked. "Pssst it's not uli, it's red."
I could hear her stand up, I used a hair clip to get the door open. The second I opened the door, Chloe ran to my arms and hugged me tight. "You okay princess?" I asked softly. "Yeah, I'm just glad we're both safe, who knows what Uliana would have done if I was in there any longer." She said. I picked her up gently and led her to a window. "Climb out, I'll be right behind you, I promise". She didn't seem to want to but she did it for me. I climbed out after her and she hugged me again. "Thank god nothing happened to you." She said. "Chloe i was in there alone for 20 seconds. What was she supposed to do appear out of the corner and run half a mile in 10 seconds? I don't think so princess." I said with a grin on my face. I carried her back to the dorms because she was tired and her legs hurt. I know she was exaggerating, but I love her, so it's okay.
Once we got back to the dorms, she laid down on my bed. I played with her hair untill she fell asleep, and I kissed her on the forehead and fell asleep next to her.

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