015 . . . 𝖿𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗎𝖾 𝗆𝖾. ❦

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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗜𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 . . . 𝖿𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗎𝖾 𝗆𝖾.

( real life ! )

sinai has recently been having thoughts about chris that she just can't seem to get out of her head. she feels like she'll never actually be able to get over him, and those said thoughts have gotten worse because he just had to tell her that he wants her. so to kind of take the weight off of her shoulders, she's been in her living room talking to bralo, claudia, and elaina about it.

"nai, why do i have a feeling you're about to talk about chris?"

sinai pinches the bridge of her nose and groans. "i hate how you can read me like a book. how'd you know that's what i was gonna talk about?" she smiles.

claudia shrugs. "i don't know-recently, there's just been this little twinkle in your eyes everytime you bring him up," she states.

elaina nods her head, agreeing with claudia. "dude i thought that i was the only one who caught that, i just didn't wanna say anything," she adds.

sinai looks back and forth between the two girls before looking at bralo. "have you been seeing the same thing or are they tweaking?" she questions.

"nah, ion know what they're talking about."

claudia and elaina share a glance and immediately start snickering while sinai deadpans bralo.

"well, damn!" bralo raises his hands in defense. "i'm not too fond on how this 'girl talk' thing works and i've been rolling recently, so i think i was tweaking 'cause i was high-so...yeah."

sinai furrows her eyebrows. "why didn't you just say smoking..?" she asks, completely disregarding his justification.

"because," he glances at claudia. "there's a child in the room," he slightly brings his voice down to a whisper.

claudia blinks. "you're a dickhead, like seriously."

sinai rolls her eyes. "whatever," she dismisses. "he's useless anyways," she shrugs.

bralo looks at her and flips her off. "shut up, sinai. like you never let me breathe-it's crazy," he rants.

"bralo," claudia starts, becoming irritated with his theatrics. "shut up so we can actually get into this conversation," she tells him.

the boy's jaw drops before groaning. "oh my god-spare me, like for real," he sighs, laying his head in sinai's lap.

sinai puts her hand over bralo's mouth to try to get him to stop talking so much so that they can have this conversation that she's been practically dying to have.

"okay-" she begins but she gasps and immediately cuts herself off as she feels bralo lick her hand. "bralo, you're actually fucking repulsive for that," she shudders and wipes her hand on his shirt.

"alright nai," elaina speaks up, urging for her friend to continue speaking. "go ahead."

sinai nods. "okay," she hesitates. "don't shoot me, but i've been having these thoughts about how i don't think i can get over chris."


"the fuck.."

"nah-what the hell did you just say?"

sinai sighs and begins to play with the pendant on her necklace. "dude, no, like it's literally impossible for me to just completely drop him," she states.

claudia clenches her eyes shut and pinches the bridge of her nose. "sinai, i will literally call amari up right now and tell her to beat the ever living shit out of you. please, please, please tell me that you aren't serious."

"oh my gosh, fucking sue me for wanting to give him another chance."

"i think i speak for the three of us when i say this," elaina says, speaking for herself, bralo, and claudia. "nai, we love you, but this is fucking psychotic."

"okay," sinai starts as if she's about to plead her case, which is exactly whay she's going to do. "i get that i can be delusional at times, but you guys have to understand what we had beforehand. it's not easy to get over someone just like that."

"yall know that my mind has been scrambled and that i've been going back and forth about how i feel about him for these past few months..but now i feel like i finally know how i feel about him. especially now that he literally told me that he wants me," she adds.

bralo sighs. "it's not even the fact that you're actually considering getting back with him or whatever, we're just concerned for your well-being because of how badly he fucked you over," he tells her in a serious tone.

sinai nods, getting an understanding of what her friends are saying. "i get that you guys want the best for me and want me to make the right decisions for myself, but i feel like i know what i'm doing-i'll take all the precautions i need to. trust me."

"we just don't want you to get hurt again," elaina tells her. "like i don't think anybody would take it well at all-especially bralo."

"i know," sinai exhales sharply.

"have you told amari yet?" claudia asks sinai. amari is usually the first person she goes to when she needs advice, when she needs to get something off of her chest-she basically goes to her for anything.

sinai shakes her head, "nope, not yet."

"yo, she's gonna be pissed, nai," bralo looks up at her.

"that's why i haven't said anything to her yet," sinai groans. "this whole thing is just stressing me out."

claudia gasps as if she just created the cure for cancer. "girl, if you don't pull out that notes app and write some lyrics."

bralo laughs. "yo, fire idea, lia," he says and reaches out to dap the girl up.

eventually, sinai told amari and the rest of the group what she told elaina, claudia, and bralo. none of the took it well besides matt.

matt said that he had some type of feeling that sinai would eventually come around. everyone else wasn't too fond of the idea since she's hated chris for what it seemed like forever.

no one was really happy to have this conversation, but they tried their best to be supportive of her decision as they possibly could.

hopefully, sinai could be supportive of her own decision.


short chap for wtv reason but hey we up lowk.

- 𝗥𝗘𝗡🧸

𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦, 𝖼𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗅𝗈 (𝗢𝗡 𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗗)Where stories live. Discover now