Of Chakra And Ghosts

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Life as a Shinobi in Konoha was certainly slower than when he had to chase Jiraiya everywhere. At least he didn't have to endure spending time in a brothel just waiting for him to finish his nonsense. He was growing tired of perverts trying to 'court' him. Just because he have long hair and wore a mask. Unlike during his travel, he didn't 'colour' his hair Uzumaki red. He allowed the natural golden colour of his hair to sparkle under the sun. He took great care of it and Sakura noticed. Naturally, she asked him;

"How do you take care of your hair? They are so thick and shiny,"

Naruto answered, "Shampoo and conditioner,"

Sakura pouted, "I use them too but my hair seemed to be suffering," She tugged at her strands, "Also, they are thin,"

He looked at her, "Is that even a natural colour?"

She huffed, "Of course they are! They are the reason I'm named Sakura after the flower! But..." She tapped her forehead, "I wish I didn't have such a high hairline...it made my head look big,"

Naruto has nothing to say to that. Instead, he continued, "Essential hair oil and scalp massages. It helps with the blood flow in the scalp that will encourage hair growth," He learned all these from all those Geisha in Tetsu, "Especially before sleep, braid your hair to prevent breakage,"

Sakura stared at him, "Oh, uh...thanks for the tips...I didn't think the combing 400 times would do anything. Then again, I wasn't combing my scalp..."

After that, they grew close as Sakura kept asking him about random things. She discovered that he saw and experienced a lot of things during travel and it was fun listening to him explaining things that she had only ever read in passing. However, she also noticed that Naruto only talk when she talk or ask him something. Otherwise, he kept to himself. Or rather...

Sasuke grabbed Naruto by his sleeve, "Oi! You almost walked into the pole there,"

He was a little airheaded...

Naruto thanked the Uchiha, "Thank you..."

Sasuke glared at him before looking at Kakashi, "Oi, Kakashi! When are we going to do actual training? We don't even know what this guy's good at...besides herding goats and making masks," He stared at Naruto, "I don't want to be held back,"

Kakashi hummed, "Good question. In fact, to help Naruto settle in better, we are doing a meet up with the other teams. Make sure you came bright and early to Senju Park tomorrow morning a 5, okay? Bye!"

Sakura glared at the leaf floating in the space where he once was, "Don't believe him, Naruto. Sensei always make us wait 2 hours or more. I'm more surprised that he was on time for the past few days,"

Naruto hummed, "You could always train your chakra control while waiting for him,"

Sasuke looked at him, "What are you talking about?"

Naruto felt confused, "Chakra control training? Don't you know how important it is to control your chakra? If you don't know how to control it, you will be wasting important chakra during battle, which could lead to fatality on your end. Also, the more you train your chakra, the larger your reserve will be," At least that was what Minato said. Naruto won't know. He had immense chakra pool being what he was, "I mean, the less chakra you waste during battle, the longer you will last. Most battle between Shinobi of equal strengths was a mix of skills and strategy,"

Sakura blinked, "But how useful can sticking a leaf to the head be?"

Naruto stared at them before saying, "Don't tell me...Kakashi-sensei haven't taught you advanced chakra control?"

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