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The late summer sun was setting over Central Park, casting a golden glow across the tree-lined paths. Charlotte “Lottie” Archibald and her twin brother Nate ran side by side, their feet pounding rhythmically on the paved trail. The park was quieter now, the bustle of city life giving way to the calm of the evening.

“I can’t believe tomorrow’s the first day of school already,” Nate said, his voice slightly strained from the run. “It feels like summer just started.”

Lottie, with her wild hair bouncing with every step, glanced at her brother with a mischievous grin. “Yeah, and it’s the start of us going to different schools. That’s going to be weird.”

Nate nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Definitely weird. But we’ll make it work. At least we’re close enough to hang out after classes.”

As they rounded a corner, Lottie suddenly slowed, pressing a hand to her temple. Her face tightened with discomfort. Nate’s immediate concern was palpable.

“Lottie, what’s wrong?” he asked, his pace slowing to a stop as he looked at her with worried eyes.

“It’s nothing,” she said quickly, trying to brush off his concern. “Just a headache. I’ll be okay.”

Nate’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure? You’ve been having those a lot lately. Is it the old injury acting up?”

Lottie forced a smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It’s fine, Nate. Really. Just a little pressure. Let’s keep running. We don’t want to be late for our last evening of freedom.”

Reluctantly, Nate resumed his pace, though he kept a wary eye on his sister. They continued running, the cool evening air soothing Lottie’s discomfort somewhat.

As they approached the park’s edge, they saw a familiar figure lounging against a tree. Chuck Bass, their friend and perennial wildcard, was casually waiting for them.

“Look who’s decided to join the party,” Chuck said with a smirk. “Running away from the upcoming school year, I see?”

“Chuck!” Lottie greeted, her face lighting up with relief at the sight of her friend. “Perfect timing. We were just about to take a break.”

Chuck’s grin widened as he reached into his jacket pocket. “I thought you two might need a little something to ease the pre-school jitters.”

From his pocket, Chuck pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Lottie’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

“Nate’s not exactly thrilled about this,” Chuck said, handing a cigarette to Lottie with a wink. “But I thought you might enjoy it.”

Nate shot Lottie a disapproving look. “You know you’re not supposed to be smoking, right? Especially after...”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lottie interrupted, accepting the cigarette and lighting it up. “I get it. But one won’t hurt. I need something to take the edge off.”

Chuck leaned back against the tree, watching with amusement. “Trust me, you’ll need more than one to get through tomorrow. Blair’s already in full drama mode, and school hasn’t even started yet.”

Lottie took a long drag, savoring the moment of rebellion. “I just hope she doesn’t turn every day into a soap opera. I can’t deal with constant high drama.”

Nate rolled his eyes but couldn’t help smiling at his sister’s carefree attitude. “Yeah, and Chuck, don’t think you’re off the hook. You better not start any trouble tomorrow. I’m already stressed enough.”

Chuck laughed, exhaling a puff of smoke. “No promises. But hey, at least you two will be right next to each other at the end of the day. It’s not like you’re going to be miles apart.”

“I guess that’s true,” Lottie said, passing the cigarette back to Chuck. “We’ll have to make the most of it. And if tomorrow’s anything like today, we’re in for one wild ride.”

The three friends chatted idly as the sun dipped lower, casting longer shadows on the park. They talked about their plans for the new school year, Nate and Lottie’s conflicting schedules, and their shared anticipation for what the future would bring.

Eventually, Nate glanced at his watch. “We should probably head back. Early start tomorrow, remember?”

“Right,” Lottie said, stubbing out the cigarette. “And I’ve got a feeling tomorrow’s going to be interesting. At least we’ve got each other.”

'Spotted in central park , CB , N and C having a little catch up wonder what cat fights these 3 will get in Tomorrow.

X0X0 Gossip Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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