1 - Nothing To Lose: A Twilight Fanfiction

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Author's Note: This is my first story, so yay! Hope you like it.


You know in those movie halls, where there's never really any good popcorn? Don't they just suck? And the ones where they end up adding way too much water to the coke dispensers. That just gets my nerve up. Well, this is not one of those theatre halls. This is much worse. The fuse just shorted. 

​"Can't we find something to get it right?" 

​"Seriously, we are not technicians!" 

​"Well, we cant just do nothing!!" 

​"Duh, we cant. But there is not way me or you can fix that thing!" 

Meet Jasmine and Megan. My two best buddies. And a real pain in the butt at times like this. 

​"Just sit down, someone will probably come." I told them. 

​"We cant stay here forever Rach!" said Jas. 

​"No, lets go to the door and then ask them to fix it." said Meg. She's the only one who had a head sometimes.

​"But lets stay to the wall. This is the balcony seat." I got up and started walking, only to trip on someone's legs and fall hard on someone else's. 

​"Why are you sitting?!" I screamed at them. Why the hell didn't you move??! 

​ "Quiet." murmurmed Meg seriously. Her voice was so chilling. She was sitting absolutely still, as if something had scared the shit out of her. What the hell was going on? I tried to get up, but Meg pushed my down again, hitting my head against something metallic. The theatre was still dark, I knew that. But it was getting darker and darker. I looked up at Meg slowly when I saw that she was blurred. 

​I'm going dizzy! I realised. That's when the ground shook. Of course it was only Meg and Jas getting up or shifting their feet, but it felt a lot worse. I couldn't see much longer before the darkness closed in (literally closed in. like a circle! i did not know it could do that) ..........

"This is so..."

"Maybe it will...I don't know...."​

Oh god, make the voices stop. please. 

"Jas she should wake up by now...."

Jas... I've heard that name before... she's my best friend....isn't she?

"Meg, it's okay... wasnt...fault..."

I felt the light coming in, and some stupid alarm clock. I screamed at it. I am never bringing you along anywhere! I told my alarm clock in my head. I am chucking you out first thing on my list.

"What do we do now?" 

​Hey is that Meg? Then I must have heard Jas, too. Or maybe that part was a dream..

I slowly opened my eyes, getting adjusted to the new light. Gosh, my head felt so heavy..-



​ I had to shut my eyes like really really hard and totally block out the pain as two almost recognisable people squeezed me real hard. If this was what I had to endure every time I had a headache, I am going to wear those spectacles every day to prevent that.

​"Are you okay?" 

​"How you feeling?" 

Um.. okay.. what the hell were they talking about? I stared incredulously at them for a few seconds before saying, "I'm ... alright. Wh- What- Why are you staring at me like that?" 

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